Thursday, January 29, 2015

My 2 year old has too much screen time

I let my daughter play with the I-pad WAY too much, but I refuse to feel guilty about it. Here's why!

at hospital after baby sister was born
1. It's been a better teacher than me.
Since I have been busy being pregnant, working full time, or even taking care of a second child. My teaching time with Mackenzie has lacked. I was really good doing crafts with her, or teaching type activities, or even baking with her. With busy schedule, tiredness and more I haven't been able to do that. Her favorite thing to do on the Ipad is to watch "videos" (youtube), she chooses some videos that sing about colors, shapes, letters. Even the games we have downloaded for her help with those and I have seen a bigger improvement in her learning her colors, than when I was "teaching" them to her.

2. It's help her imaginative play.
Some of the "videos" she watches are the ridiculous ones where they unwrap new toys. Sometimes they play with them and create stories. I have been watching her take her "elsa and belle" dolls and mimic the play she has seen. In fact the other day Belle put Elsa down for a nap. She also loves the playdoh videos where they make things, food or new dresses for the dolls. She loves to "cook" for me or make her dolls new dresses.

3. Her vocabulary has increased.
Everyday she surprises me with a new word or phrase. Or even the new items she now knows what they are. Such as "My little pony", or garbage trucks. 

4. It's a moment of bonding.
Her and her daddy will lay in bed and watch music videos every once in awhile. She loves it, she curls up next to him and picks out videos for them to watch. He loves to expose her to some of his favorite songs. She loves to watch Star Wars (rebels) with daddy. Even us as a family, we have been watching the latest season of "Once Upon a Time" together. Since it has Elsa! It's nice to sit on the couch, snuggle and have some settle down time. 

5. It gives me a break.
It helps me to have a moment of pause, especially if the girls didn't nap at the same time. Or if I need to switch laundry loads. One day it allowed me to take a shower. Mackenzie had the Ipad and Ainsley was with me in the bathroom. I knew everything was fine, since she is glued to the screen. We took/take the Ipad to doctor appointments to keep her busy while I talk with the doctor. If Ainsley needs extra attention, I don't feel like I am neglecting Mackenzie if I let her play with the Ipad.

Now I will admit there are days where she has it way to much, and now that things are becoming more of a routine with 2 girls, I have limited the amount of time she plays with it. I also turn off the TV for a few hours a day and make sure I spend quality time with Mackenzie. If I can't give Mackenzie a huge quantity of time I want to make sure I can give her quality time. There are so many articles out there about not letting your kids have screen time, I used to feel guilty about the amount of time my daughter had in front of the TV or Ipad. I refuse to do that, it has had some benefits. Like I said I do try to reduce the amount of time, spent in front of the screen but, as long as the screen is not her parent and I am still getting in my quality time with her, I will no longer feel guilty for allowing my daughter to indulge a little. Hey, I do! Why not her too?!

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