Friday, June 13, 2014

What! I am pregnant with number 2!!

I am excited to start documenting this pregnancy! I didn't do this with Mackenzie so it will be fun with this new little one. 

Here are the initial facts. I pretty much knew right away I was pregnant due to the fact that I was instantly extremely tired. Which is not easy with a toddler running around the house. Anytime she napped no matter what I needed to do I had to nap too, it wasn't even an option I am pretty sure I would fall over asleep if I didn't. I did wait another week to test. I had been thinking of ways to surprise Mondo with the news when I just decided to ask him how he wanted to be told. He said "he wanted to find out the exact same time I did". So, we picked a day to test and I did. Right after peeing on the stick I brought it out to him. The look was priceless, and the best I could imagine. He just kept saying "Wow!" I am glad I did it the way he asked, I couldn't have asked for a better response. 

week 4
I had been trying to lose the last few pounds before Minnesota and I am happy to report I did make it! I will try to take my photos with black legging and black tank top, I want to see the difference. Again, something I never did with Mackenzie. Week 5 rolled around and in kicked the nausea. I hated it. With Mackenzie I had actual morning sickness where things actually made me throw up, the only bad thing with that was once I threw up I had a hard time stopping. Baby #2 constant nausea. Then I realized I was eating too little calories and too little protein. So for 3 weeks I did no calorie counting and let myself eat whatever, whenever (usually I could only go 1 and 1/2 to 2 hours without eating). It was hard I gained 5 lbs but I was no longer sick, I was upset with myself for feeling so fat already but, I knew in the long run it's better for my health.

week 8

Week 8 almost week 9 suddenly I felt human again! I mean it was like I was in my second trimester. So I started calorie counting again but, with the higher amount in calories and started choosing healthier options. For awhile I craved carrots, cucumbers with ranch. Yum!! Oh, and I can now go 3 to 4 hours without eating. 

Now I am 10 weeks and still feel good. I do get nausea if I haven't had enough protein for the day but it isn't very often. I still get tired and need naps but, it isn't as much of a demand as it was before.

My due date is January 9th and I want to keep it that day. I don't want the baby too close to Christmas. Mackenzie came 3 weeks early so hopefully this one feels like staying in for awhile.

baby photos
A blogger I follow just had her 2nd baby in April and she did this quiz thing each time. I thought it looked fun so I will do it too. 

How far along: 10 weeks
Gender: Don't Know but we will find out
Weight gain: 5 lbs. (I don't want to go past 25)
Maternity clothes: Regular even my skinny jeans still fit!!!
Stretch marks: I had them from Mackenzie so I probably won't notice new ones. 
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: All the time. At night now I sleep so heavy I don't even notice when Mackenzie joins us in bed. 
Best moment this week: Getting back in the gym. Exhaustion and crazy schedule can't hold me back any more!!
Miss anything: Normal smells. Gosh, everything is so gross smelling
Movement: One time I swore I felt baby move, but now I think it was just gas. Still a little early or a super strength baby.
Cravings: Currently Turkey Burger. Recently cucumbers with ranch ( I am out of ranch), Smore's Blizzard (did you know DQ closes at 10! how rude!)
Queasy or sick: Only when I don't get enough food or enough protein
Looking forward to: Buying cute Maternity clothes, all the ones from Mackenzie will be too big since I am now 10 lbs lighter!!

Thank you for reading! If you have any question or think I should add anything to the questionnaire let me know!!

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