Friday, June 20, 2014

Mackenzie Update/ Friday Favorites

I wasn't sure how I wanted to write this update. Although, knowing I did want/need to, since I haven't updated on her in awhile. I did not want to do it how I used to because all favorites would be toys and I thought that would be boring. I love reading the blog Snappy Casual and she does updates in a list fashion, I thought of doing that and Little Baby Garvin (another favorite) does a Friday favorites list. So I have decided to try and combine the two. Let's see how this goes....

Mackenzie at her 2 year checkup was 24 lbs, and 34" tall. She is definitely growing but is still a tiny little girl.


True size probably 18 months although I put her in/ and buy 2T
Diaper size 4 might be able to still fit in 3
Shoe size 5

  • talks like crazy and everyday surprises me with new words, says 3 to 4 word sentences
  • loves football
  •  terrorizing  loves her animals (although Leela and her are best friends when outside)
  • Loves to help in the kitchen
  • Lives outside, once out you can never come back in!!
  • Loves taking selfies

Some of our favorite activities are:
Going to the library
Swinging (which she hated until about 4 months ago)
Going to the gym daycare bonus if we take her swimming afterwards
Slides including the super scary waterslide at our gym
threading pipe cleaners in a colander (spends like 20min at time doing this)

Favorites in general
mickey mouse (bickey bouse)
balloons (bouys)

Favorite toys
baby stroller and babies
Melissa and Doug birthday cake (happy birfday)
doc mcstuffins doctor set

Favortie foods
pizza (asked for daily at each meal)
(she recently asked for a pizza party after seeing a Chucky Cheese commercial)
Mac and Cheese

She also sleeps in a "big" girl bed, is in the potty training process and I am trying to get away from pacifier but, break down after I hear "bink please". Can get out of tub by herself (not so great), daily has to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Loves to head bang to any and all music but boy bands are her favorite. 

There is my Mackenzie update. I hope you enjoyed, should I do more in this style? Maybe every couple of months?


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