Thursday, June 5, 2014

Mackenzie 2nd birthday

Wow! I have a 2 year old!! Half the time I think it was just last year I was pregnant with her, hard to believe she is actually 2.

For her party this year I kept things simple. I planned to go more elaborate but things just fell through.

I did take a lot of pictures but, I didn't have a lot that turned out great, if you know what I mean. 

So we will just get started.

Everything took a lot longer than I planned so this was all the decor that got put up even though I bought a lot more and more in store! Oh, well. What will she remember in a few years? The decor or the fun? 

For food I wanted everything on a stick, that didn't work out so I did carnival food. Corn dogs, chips with nacho cheese (we also gave the option of doritos, YUM!), veggies in a cup (some had ranch at the bottom), fruit on a stick, and popcorn. For my gluten free friends I put some regular hot dogs on a stick. Sidenote: The food was yummy and kid friendly!!

Next we opened presents, Which was fun this year because she was actually into it! Then we had cake! I wanted to make cakepops to keep with my everything on a stick theme. Since, I hadn't tried it before I got scared off. Instead I went with ice cream cake cones.

The easiest way to do this was to flip the cones upside down into the cupcakes before you place in the oven. These turned out yummy!! Also, for my gluten free friends I went to a local bakery that bakes vegan and bought some cupcakes for them.

This is her "whooooo" chair from mom and dad. 

After this we let the kids run around and play. I put out a coloring table, her Ikea circus tent, some balls, made some homemade bean bags with socks and dried beans (just tie a knot in the top), and brought out her wagon. The wagon turned out to be the kid favorite.

My parents got her a trike for her birthday and that was the other favorite.

Overall it may have not been my most elaborate party thrown but, I think everyone had lots of fun. Mackenzie came inside almost brown from all the dirt which tells me she had fun.

Mackenzie also had a special message to share at her party!

That's right baby #2 is on the way!!

So next post will be a pregnancy update and then I think I will do a Mackenzie update/favorites. I haven't done one of those in a while.


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