Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Fashion - more ideas

Let's face it...I love fashion. I love everything about fashion. I love all the aspects of fashion. I love the way it can change your personality, your looks, even your life. If you are wearing sloppy jeans and a Tee, you won't want to make an executive presentation. However, if you are dressed sharply and look confident, it carries into your presentation and people notice. But I don't have any money, you say. It doesn't matter. Spend money on quality, not quantity, and spend money on key pieces that will carry you through any trend. Even your key pieces don't have to be that expensive. Look at the cut as it hangs on the hanger; does it hang straight, does the pattern match where it is supposed to, are there any gaps in the stitching, are there a bunch of little threads hanging from it. These are questions to ask  yourself when considering a piece for your wardrobe. Try the item on; how does it hang on your body, does it feel like its twisted or bunch where it shouldn't be, is it bulky under the arms, is it too tight anywhere? Fit is so very important.
Another thing that is very important, in the fit of your clothes, are your undergarments. Unfortunately, not all of us have a perfect body. Even the most beautiful models have something they don't like. We all have little rolls here and there, where we don't want them. Undergarments are the secret thing that no one knows about that make your outfit look like you spent a fortune on it. Again...and I will say it over and over and over....fit is very important. Size is just a number, if your bra isn't looking smooth and holding you in just right, it will....let me state that again....it will show. Get a very good fitting bra. I wear a lot of, what I call "suck-it-ins." In the old days they were called girdles. No, they don't make it impossible to breath, unless you buy a size too small, they give you a smooth shape and create curves. Believe me, you want curves. Curves are very sexy. There are different types of "suck-it-ins" so you have to try on a bunch to get a good fit. The one brand I have fallen in love with are SPANX. They are also not cheap. But they give you a very smooth look and hold up for a very long time as well as being comfortable. I have tried other brands, some work, some don't. The ones I really hate are the ones that roll and then pinch, Yuck!
I have been told that I am worth pretty underwear. That I should wear pretty undies for those accidental moments when it might peep out, like a wind gust blowing your skirt up. I have yet figured out how to wear pretty things and "suck-it-ins". So I save my pretty things for "date" night and hold my stomach muscles in the entire night. It's hard work but it gives those abs a great work-out.
Whatever your style, business, casual, bohemian, sophisticated, elegant, it really is worth it to look your best all the time. Good fitting undergarments really help give your good fitting outer garments a great look. Fit, fit, fit that is where it really is at.
your fashionista mom,

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