Friday, February 7, 2014

Heart Ponders

Here are a few things that have been on my mind the past few weeks.

1. Prayer. I have been feeling a calling and drawing to spend more time in prayer. Not just my fleeting one sided conversations that go on through the day but, to sit at His feet and hear Him speak to my heart. The books by E.M. Bounds have been fueling this desire. With it has come a hunger for His Word. I know that He speaks to us through His Word so, I am constantly reading it, I started a one year bible study in my logos app. I no longer listen to the radio but instead sermons and teachings. I desire to be a true prayer warrior, like in the bible the ones Kings called on to get their prayers answered.

2. Thanksgiving. I got the book 1,000 gifts for Christmas. I am only half way through but, it is about one woman's journey seeking Thankfulness. I have started my list of 1,000 things. Every night I write down 3 and reflect on the day. I thank Him for the day He has given me! Did you know before each miracle Jesus gave thanks! Thanks is the answer to our troubles!

3. Worries. My mom has always told me I was great at the what if game. As I grew I got better! Although no one wins at the What if game, God reminded me that my worries are lack of Faith in Him. So, I remind myself not to worry for God is good!

4. Being a woman. This fueled by the women's tea I am speaking at, at end of February. I want to be the Woman God has called me to be! I am woman hear me Roar! I have special giftings and talents only a woman can use. I want to use those to better my family, this world and to spread His love.

These are few of the things my heart has been pondering and I wanted to share them with you. What are your heart's ponders?

Next week Valentine goodies!!

apparently Max likes fritos and pb!


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