Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Weight loss: Final Check-in

I am just going to start right out and say it, "I blew it!" Big time ok, not that big but, I did not make my goal. In fact I gained 3 lbs and 1 inch everywhere. It's super upsetting but, time to get back up and try again. I could blame it on the moving and crazy schedule but, that really doesn't do me any good. I messed up, I quit tracking my eating and I wasn't working out. If I made it to the gym I didn't push myself. None of that matters it's how I go on from here. Like Raffiki says "It doesn't matter, it's in the past." So, here is how I am responding.

I have decided to become a runner! I'm really not sure why, I just thought it sounded like a good challenge. So, I found a running app on my phone and I have been using on my phone. I also figured out that I really didn't enjoy p90x and due to the smaller space in the house I quit doing it. I downloaded a workout trainer on my phone instead, you can get yours here iphone or android, and I use that. I like the variety I can pick what I want to do that day and do it! That has been great so far! Next is my eating, I really need to figure that out. My biggest problem is tracking it because, I know I go over my calories so I don't want to track it. I also know that if I would track my calories I would stop eating so much. So, I need to get over that head game. I also need to add more protein especially on my run days, when I run that whole day I am super, SUPER hungry. I also have tried adding smoothies to my diet once a week. Hopefully these healthy habits will start to stick. I go back to part time at work next week, I am sure that will help a lot.

Here is my next goal; Feb. 19 lose 6 lbs. That is a little more than a pound a week. I can do it! I know I can. Big goal is 15lbs by May 18.

Yesterday I ran and did elliptical. I only did elliptical while I waited for a treadmill but, I did burn 400 calories. Too bad I fed that with M&M ice cream! Oh well, it's a new day!

So check in on Feb 20thish.

Oh and yesterday I pulled Mackenzie around the yard, I am sure that burned extra calories!!

More on her new sled next time. Trust me winter clothes just make me look big, I really didn't gain that much weight back. I don't have a new picture but, here is a selfie of me and Mackenzie!

Hopefully I have a better report next time,

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