Tuesday, January 7, 2014


"It's your turn to blog." What fun. I love to write. I love to write about a lot of different things, although sometimes it is difficult to come up with a subject. Today I decided to write about, things to write about. Actually, its about the use of language. I am one of those people that, when they see a spelling error, want to correct it immediately. I will admit that every once in a while, I too, make a spelling error; either I am not watching my typing close enough, did not see the mistake when I post something, even after proofing it or really did not know how to spell a certain word. Spelling errors really do make a person look uneducated, as if they really don't know what they are talking about. And I am talking about the most simple of words, such as to, too, and two. Now when you look at the word, you know what it means, but when some people put them in a sentence.....oh boy. The word "TWO" is what it means, it is a number, the number 2. "TOO," means either "also" or "more than enough" George went with them too (also). If you can substitute also with the too, then make sure you put that extra "o" on the end. It also means "more than enough." There were too (more than enough) many people at the party. So on and so forth.
Another word that I have seen recently is the use of "marrow" in the word "tomorrow." I'm sorry people but my tomorrows do not need the use of bone marrow in them. I have enough in my bones thank you. That is the meaning of "marrow" it is a substance in the bones, not in your day.
But I have never been a very good speller, you say. Even at my age, it is never too late to learn. (Ha! Do you see how I properly used "too" and "to" in that last sentence?) Learning new things or even relearning old things, ie getting back to basics, is what keeps us young. Besides, if we don't learn new things how will we keep up with the grandkids, especially with all the new gadgets and things they have. And if you check  your spelling on documents that need to be sent out, you will notice a certain respect that others will have for you. Spelling errors usually mean people won't take you seriously, they think you are uneducated and couldn't possibly understand what is being talked about. I know this may sound harsh, but I have seen it time and time again in the jobs that I have had.
I want you to have abundant success, and to be taken seriously. Another time I may discuss punctuation, although I am still trying to figure out a bunch of that one myself....now where should I put the comma.......
From your mom that wants success for you,
PS - another one is "your" and "you're" - One means you possess something, That is your coat. The other means, "you are." Tom said you're going to the store. Get it? Good!

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