Thursday, January 16, 2014

Christmas favorites

It's hard to believe that Christmas was 3 weeks ago!! Time is going by so fast! I wish it would slow down more!

Here are our favorites from Christmas and these are all things we are still using.

Baby:  wagon/ farm/ mega blocks/ owl: similar/ puzzles: similar
Mommy: books/ long sweater/ bring it on the musical

I don't think the wagon pictured is quite right but, my parents bought this for her and she loves it! It even came with skis that you could replace the tires with to use in the snow. So far that's all we have used it for. The Little people farm is quite funny she, loves to make all the animal sounds and open the door and sing the song. The mega blocks and puzzles are played with daily! She has become a pro at these puzzles I may need to find her more. Even though the puzzles are playskool I was unable to find any matches online. My aunt made the owl she carries it around yelling hooooooo! A few other favorites not pictured are a barbie doll her bestie got her, a princess phone a friend gave me that her daughter had outgrown, and a Sophia blanket, doll, and pj's.

I got 5 books for Christmas!!! I was super excited this is the series I chose to start with and I love it!! I am almost finished with the last one. I think I will post a mocked up picture of what my empty shelf would look like because I have been a reading fool. My husband bought me these and he is smart to have bought me all three if he would have bought me one, I would have ran out and bought the others right away!! He also got me the sweater that I have been living in! I could not find it online though, I got mine at Costco. Bring it On the Musical!!!!! Sister in law got me tickets, I CAN'T WAIT! It's coming to town in March.

Husband didn't want anything for Christmas but here are a few things he got. Dollar Shave Club Membership, so far he really likes the blades and loves the Shave butter. I am thinking the shave butter will be great for Easter, they only sent a sample with his first box of blades. He also got ammo, I don't think the box pictured is what he got. We got to see Skillet in town last week and while we were there his sister bought him a Skillet shirt because, the one she got him for Christmas didn't fit. If you have not seen Skillet in concert I would recommend it!! Great show!!

Those are all our Christmas favorites, this year was truly a blessing and I can't wait to see all this next year holds. Any Christmas presents you are still loving? Any one read the Divergent series? Did you like it?

Here are some pics of us using Mackenzie's wagon in the snow!

Until next time,

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