Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving goodies!!

Yay!! It's a day of thanks!! I love Thanksgiving! And not just for the shopping the day after. I love being around family!! I also love all the FOOD!!

So here is a quick treat that has become a family favorite and I am sure yours will love it too. You are probably thinking; wait a minute I already have a ton of cooking to do and you suggest I add another!! Why, yes, yes I do!! HEHE!! This stuff is that good that I know you will love it!! It is so simple to make you can tell hubby to make it. Wait, who am I kidding like he will make it! Okay, pass it off to the kids. Wait, another bad idea, they will either a; eat it all before it's made or b; make a HUGE mess. You better make it!!

Before I give you the instructions I feel I should give a warning, okay, 3 warnings.
1. This stuff is highly addicting. You may have to make a new batch daily.
2. It's is super simple which only adds to the addicting behavior, you don't mind making another batch because it is too easy to make.
3. This is way fun to make. Inspires a lot of creativity. Which adds to the addicting behavior as well as the easiness. You probably have all the ingredients. 

With that said go ahead, make it. I Dare You!! I Triple Dog Dare You!!


2 cupsish Chex cereal
2 cupsish pretzels (I prefer sticks)
2 cupsish popcorn (I prefer airpopped, but you can do microwave)
3 cupsish melted white chocolate (I prefer white)
2 cupsish candy (for mine pictured I used holiday candy corn and marshmallows, I have used m&m's and sprinkles)

bowl to melt chocolate
spoon to drizzle chocolate
cookie sheet
parchment or waxed paper

Take your cookie sheet and cover with parchment paper.
Pop popcorn
Melt chocolate until it drizzles

cover cookie sheet with chex cereal
Drizzle some chocolate
cover next layer with pretzels and popcorn
Drizzle chocolate
Scatter candy
Drizzle last of chocolate
(add sprinkles)
Let harden
Break up into chunks serve

Some people have added flavoring to the chocolate. That would be yummy!!

Here is how my second batch turned out!!

Enjoy!!! And don't forget tomorrow is Black Friday!!
P.s. Should I do blogmas again??

Turkey, turkey here I come,

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Black Friday!! Survival Bag

I know my mom did a post on Black Friday and her survival guide. I figured I would do one a little different. My survival guide deals with my choice of clothes and the bag. So, let's jump right in!!

The outfit: plan the outfit the day before. I say day because the night will get busy and you will just want to crawl right into bed. So, the sooner the better. I recommend comfortable, cute, loose. NOT PAJAMA'S!! I know my mom said that in hers and that it is tempting but, come afternoon while you still are shopping if you are in your pj's you will feel tired and lazy. No, longer wanting to continue your fun day. Looking cute you will want a cup of coffee but, to continue this adventure and not waste an outfit.

My go-to outfit is; leggings, tank top, loose t-shirt dress or sweater tunic, boots, scarf, thick socks. Reasoning behind each piece, leggings and a tank; to make trying on outfits easy, especially if not wanting to wait for a waiting room. Boots, scarf, thick socks; dressing in layers so I don't have to carry a thick coat with me throughout the stores. Loose t-shirt dress or sweater tunic; this keeps me comfortable, cute, and not having to worry about sucking it in all the time. Scarf; to hide any upcoming spills, and a simple accessory to keep you dressed up.  Boots; easy, comfortable shoes to slip off to try on new shoes. There we have it my go to black Friday outfit.

The bag; again another item to pack the day before. I would recommend choosing a larger bag and inside putting smaller bags to keep you organized. Wallet; the obvious, id, credit cards (only choose 2), cash, coins, coffee cards, frequent buyer cards. Clean everything else out, keep it minimal. Snacks; granola bar, trail mix and maybe an energy shot. I also like to take a small candy bar to get my sugar up quick. Extras; I like to pack thin socks to try on shoes, bobby pins, hair ties. Pen and paper; Pre write out shopping list, stores and items, as well as your budget. Car charger; if you are like me you play on your phone too much, take the phone charger to plug in while driving from spot to spot. Make up; concealer stick, and lip gloss. As you go through out the day you will need some touch ups. Randoms; hand sanitizer, gum/mints. No yucky coffee breathe here!

That is about it! Here are my top 5 Black Friday shopping bags.

I realized I never blogged about our halloween season too late? Up next what to wear thanksgiving day!!

Tis the Season FOR SHOPPING,

Monday, November 11, 2013

Weight loss journey part 3

So mind you I am sitting here typing this just getting over something super yucky. I haven't eaten much today with my upset tummy, but I wanted to get this post done. So, in warning it will probably be short.

Overall this whole time was not good. With moving and switching gyms and so much more I fell back into old habits. When I finally weighed in, I was beyond nervous hoping that somehow I maintained my current weight.

Here was my weigh in:
Bust: stayed

Waist: +.5"
Tummy: same
Hips: -.5"
Thighs: -.5" each

Weight: -2 lbs

I was overly joyed by these results. I was happy to see that not all my old habits came back and that I was maintaining some control. I am also happy because I have been able to bring back some of my good habits. I just need to find a place to bring back p90x.

I do think I owe a thank you to you knowing I had to check in kept me in line. Although I do know I missed my halloween goal I need to adjust and check back in, in 8 weeks with a goal of 16lbs. Lets see how  do!

Here is a new pic:

New me,


For the love of all things Chalkboard

I have become obsessed with chalkboards!!! I am not sure why and I think I may need to join a anonymous group for support for my obsessiveness. I even have a pinterest board dedicated to it!!!  Mondo has supported me in my love of chalkboards and is even willing to buy me one. Problem is I want to create a custom one and need to find the perfect picture frame. I have been scouring the thrift stores in hunt for it and have yet to find it. 

I do like the chalkboard prints although, I like the idea of changing a chalkboard on a whim. A blogger that I follow does do a few chalkboard prints, you can visit her etsy shop here. Currently she has a coupon code COUSINEDDIE for 30% off your order. Finding some inspiration from her I created my own. 

These are quotes from our amazing Pastor. Every week he has a quote that has inspired my own hashtag #joshbinglequotes and my designing of these chalk prints. I thought I would share them with you.

This one was from this last week. He has been teaching on the fruits of the spirit as of lately and this last week was on goodness. 
 From over the summer. Pastor Josh was talking on being confident in the goodness of our God and trusting Him to make a way when there seems to be none.
 Love this one! On his current series the fruits of the spirit, kindness. He talked about how kindness can make a bridge for people.
This one is my FAVORITE!! Again, on his current series he talked about finding peace in every situation.

Have you got on the chalkboard band wagon?

I promise later this week to continue with the regular blogging schedule. To bring in the festive spirit I will share with you my favorite holiday wear, for baby and mom!

My name is Dorinda and I love Chalkboards

Monday, November 4, 2013


This year's Black Friday is November 29, the day after Thanksgiving, of course. I would invite you to join us, we have soooo much fun. But how do you survive the madness? With an attitude check. Look at all the people as being at a party and having fun. There will be a few that are grumpy, with scowls on their faces, just give them one of your smiles and wish them a Merry Christmas.

Dorinda and I were introduced to Black Friday by a wonderful Aunt. We went to Louisiana for the Thanksgiving holiday and a wedding. She invited us to come along, although we had reservations about the whole black Friday idea, we decided to go. Believe me, it was a culture shock. Dorinda and I actually saw ladies fighting over a sweater in one of the stores, and other ladies shoving each other out of the way. We thought we must be in a movie set or something, people don't really act like that do they? Yes, they do. The next year we decided to launch out on our own and we have been addicted ever since.

When planning your Black Friday shopping, first things first. Find out if there are latte stands open at 4 a.m. I know that some stores have decided to open Thanksgiving Day or at midnight Thanksgiving night, but we like to venture out at 4. It has become tradition.
Next plan on where to meet. Our family has grown, so we take multiple cars or meet up with family members at the mall, or where ever. Our family prefers to begin at the mall, we think places like WalMart, KMart, Shopko, places like that, are just a little too crazy, however some people like that kind of craziness and begin there.
Thanksgiving night is a good time to look through the ads. Make a list of what you would like to purchase, whether it is for yourself or others, then look through the ads as to where the best deals are. Remember, this is a marathon shopping day. Don't look for everything to be at one place, look at several places to go, that is part of the fun of black Friday. Another way to look for ads ahead of time is a link called, they kind of cheat and get sneak peeks at the ads before they are out.
Next, get to bed early, get plenty of sleep. And whatever you do, DO NOT....let me underline that...DO NOT go shopping in your pajamas. If getting up at 3:30 a.m. is just too darn hard, then sleep in your clothes. People shopping in their pajamas makes a person look homeless, tired and not caring. That is not how you want to look! You want to show the world that you have your act together and are in a partying mood. Besides the helpful sales people have a tendency to cater to those who look like they have their act together and ignore the PJ people. I know for a fact that I wonder, when I see someone in their PJs, did they even brush their teeth? Just saying.
Okay, so out the door you go. You've got a few really awesome, great deals and are starting to putter out. Wait, its only 9:00, there's 7-10 more hours to go! Now is the time to take a break and go get breakfast. After you've got your energy back up, go shopping some more until lunch, after lunch, shop some more then at 4 o'clock, get a pedicure. Your tired feet are ready to have some pampering. After that dinner. Sometimes we will end there, sometimes other family members are just getting off work and want to go out, so I will join them.
I must say, that on Saturday, I will sleep in..................for a long time. But we have had a blast the two days prior and isn't that what the holidays are all about?
This is your shopping crazy mom,