Monday, November 4, 2013


This year's Black Friday is November 29, the day after Thanksgiving, of course. I would invite you to join us, we have soooo much fun. But how do you survive the madness? With an attitude check. Look at all the people as being at a party and having fun. There will be a few that are grumpy, with scowls on their faces, just give them one of your smiles and wish them a Merry Christmas.

Dorinda and I were introduced to Black Friday by a wonderful Aunt. We went to Louisiana for the Thanksgiving holiday and a wedding. She invited us to come along, although we had reservations about the whole black Friday idea, we decided to go. Believe me, it was a culture shock. Dorinda and I actually saw ladies fighting over a sweater in one of the stores, and other ladies shoving each other out of the way. We thought we must be in a movie set or something, people don't really act like that do they? Yes, they do. The next year we decided to launch out on our own and we have been addicted ever since.

When planning your Black Friday shopping, first things first. Find out if there are latte stands open at 4 a.m. I know that some stores have decided to open Thanksgiving Day or at midnight Thanksgiving night, but we like to venture out at 4. It has become tradition.
Next plan on where to meet. Our family has grown, so we take multiple cars or meet up with family members at the mall, or where ever. Our family prefers to begin at the mall, we think places like WalMart, KMart, Shopko, places like that, are just a little too crazy, however some people like that kind of craziness and begin there.
Thanksgiving night is a good time to look through the ads. Make a list of what you would like to purchase, whether it is for yourself or others, then look through the ads as to where the best deals are. Remember, this is a marathon shopping day. Don't look for everything to be at one place, look at several places to go, that is part of the fun of black Friday. Another way to look for ads ahead of time is a link called, they kind of cheat and get sneak peeks at the ads before they are out.
Next, get to bed early, get plenty of sleep. And whatever you do, DO NOT....let me underline that...DO NOT go shopping in your pajamas. If getting up at 3:30 a.m. is just too darn hard, then sleep in your clothes. People shopping in their pajamas makes a person look homeless, tired and not caring. That is not how you want to look! You want to show the world that you have your act together and are in a partying mood. Besides the helpful sales people have a tendency to cater to those who look like they have their act together and ignore the PJ people. I know for a fact that I wonder, when I see someone in their PJs, did they even brush their teeth? Just saying.
Okay, so out the door you go. You've got a few really awesome, great deals and are starting to putter out. Wait, its only 9:00, there's 7-10 more hours to go! Now is the time to take a break and go get breakfast. After you've got your energy back up, go shopping some more until lunch, after lunch, shop some more then at 4 o'clock, get a pedicure. Your tired feet are ready to have some pampering. After that dinner. Sometimes we will end there, sometimes other family members are just getting off work and want to go out, so I will join them.
I must say, that on Saturday, I will sleep in..................for a long time. But we have had a blast the two days prior and isn't that what the holidays are all about?
This is your shopping crazy mom,

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