Thursday, November 14, 2013

Black Friday!! Survival Bag

I know my mom did a post on Black Friday and her survival guide. I figured I would do one a little different. My survival guide deals with my choice of clothes and the bag. So, let's jump right in!!

The outfit: plan the outfit the day before. I say day because the night will get busy and you will just want to crawl right into bed. So, the sooner the better. I recommend comfortable, cute, loose. NOT PAJAMA'S!! I know my mom said that in hers and that it is tempting but, come afternoon while you still are shopping if you are in your pj's you will feel tired and lazy. No, longer wanting to continue your fun day. Looking cute you will want a cup of coffee but, to continue this adventure and not waste an outfit.

My go-to outfit is; leggings, tank top, loose t-shirt dress or sweater tunic, boots, scarf, thick socks. Reasoning behind each piece, leggings and a tank; to make trying on outfits easy, especially if not wanting to wait for a waiting room. Boots, scarf, thick socks; dressing in layers so I don't have to carry a thick coat with me throughout the stores. Loose t-shirt dress or sweater tunic; this keeps me comfortable, cute, and not having to worry about sucking it in all the time. Scarf; to hide any upcoming spills, and a simple accessory to keep you dressed up.  Boots; easy, comfortable shoes to slip off to try on new shoes. There we have it my go to black Friday outfit.

The bag; again another item to pack the day before. I would recommend choosing a larger bag and inside putting smaller bags to keep you organized. Wallet; the obvious, id, credit cards (only choose 2), cash, coins, coffee cards, frequent buyer cards. Clean everything else out, keep it minimal. Snacks; granola bar, trail mix and maybe an energy shot. I also like to take a small candy bar to get my sugar up quick. Extras; I like to pack thin socks to try on shoes, bobby pins, hair ties. Pen and paper; Pre write out shopping list, stores and items, as well as your budget. Car charger; if you are like me you play on your phone too much, take the phone charger to plug in while driving from spot to spot. Make up; concealer stick, and lip gloss. As you go through out the day you will need some touch ups. Randoms; hand sanitizer, gum/mints. No yucky coffee breathe here!

That is about it! Here are my top 5 Black Friday shopping bags.

I realized I never blogged about our halloween season too late? Up next what to wear thanksgiving day!!

Tis the Season FOR SHOPPING,

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