Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving goodies!!

Yay!! It's a day of thanks!! I love Thanksgiving! And not just for the shopping the day after. I love being around family!! I also love all the FOOD!!

So here is a quick treat that has become a family favorite and I am sure yours will love it too. You are probably thinking; wait a minute I already have a ton of cooking to do and you suggest I add another!! Why, yes, yes I do!! HEHE!! This stuff is that good that I know you will love it!! It is so simple to make you can tell hubby to make it. Wait, who am I kidding like he will make it! Okay, pass it off to the kids. Wait, another bad idea, they will either a; eat it all before it's made or b; make a HUGE mess. You better make it!!

Before I give you the instructions I feel I should give a warning, okay, 3 warnings.
1. This stuff is highly addicting. You may have to make a new batch daily.
2. It's is super simple which only adds to the addicting behavior, you don't mind making another batch because it is too easy to make.
3. This is way fun to make. Inspires a lot of creativity. Which adds to the addicting behavior as well as the easiness. You probably have all the ingredients. 

With that said go ahead, make it. I Dare You!! I Triple Dog Dare You!!


2 cupsish Chex cereal
2 cupsish pretzels (I prefer sticks)
2 cupsish popcorn (I prefer airpopped, but you can do microwave)
3 cupsish melted white chocolate (I prefer white)
2 cupsish candy (for mine pictured I used holiday candy corn and marshmallows, I have used m&m's and sprinkles)

bowl to melt chocolate
spoon to drizzle chocolate
cookie sheet
parchment or waxed paper

Take your cookie sheet and cover with parchment paper.
Pop popcorn
Melt chocolate until it drizzles

cover cookie sheet with chex cereal
Drizzle some chocolate
cover next layer with pretzels and popcorn
Drizzle chocolate
Scatter candy
Drizzle last of chocolate
(add sprinkles)
Let harden
Break up into chunks serve

Some people have added flavoring to the chocolate. That would be yummy!!

Here is how my second batch turned out!!

Enjoy!!! And don't forget tomorrow is Black Friday!!
P.s. Should I do blogmas again??

Turkey, turkey here I come,

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