Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Have the Holidays become too Commercial?

Have the holidays become too commercial? That is a question that was asked by our local news station. They have a question of the day that you can "sound off" on. I wanted to respond but knew that I wouldn't have the quick answer they were looking for.
Have the holidays become too commercial.....Yes and no. Let me explain.
1. Christmas began with the Druids and involved sacrifices. Not all of them were animals, some were human. YUCK! The Christians came, they wanted to bring people into the church so they decided to change Christmas into Christ's birth in order to get people there. It has been a secular battle ever since. That is why it is so important to involve Christ in our families as a whole and spread the love.
2. Thank goodness for the commercialism! Sure it gets a little tiresome seeing the same commercials over and over, having precious traditions made fun of, etc. But this is an awesome teaching opportunity to teach our families what is important. Are gathering stupendous amounts of gifts, getting stressed over finances, and partying until you drop dead tired into bed at night, that important? What if we all scaled back a bit, actually did things together as a family, and shared with each other what they think the season should be about. Some people do love the busyness and bustle of the season and they can handle it, some prefer more simple things.
3. Another thing I am thankful for with the commercialism is that people have jobs. I know the commercials are really dumb but I know that behind those commercials are people with jobs, they don't have to worry about where their next meal is coming from or if they have a roof over their head. Look at it through the eyes of the retailer, the employer, they need the business to keep these people with a job. They need to get costumers into their business to buy, so that they can make a profit, so that they can pay their employees.
4. It is yours, and your responsibility alone, to teach your family the Christmas/Holiday values. If you don't like what the TV is advertising, turn it off. Tell your family, if you see a product that is offensive, why it is offensive and why it goes against your values. The TV is not responsible for teaching your family good values, it is your responsibility. So many times we get caught up with finger pointing, saying that it is another's fault for saying this, showing that, do this or that. Remember, when you do that, three fingers are pointing back at you, so that makes you three times more guilty than the other person, thing, figure.
Here is my suggestion about handling commercialism. Don't be judgmental. Just because others celebrate the holidays differently than you, doesn't make them wrong. Love them any way. The holiday season is about love. That is all it is about. Christians decided to make the holidays about Christ's birth because He loved us enough to come to earth and die for us. That is true love. Lets show His love throughout the entire season. When things get hectic, and they will, make yourself a cup of tea and feel His love flowing in, around, and through you. Then get back up, and face the world with His love. Just simply love. Don't make rules and regulations about how the holidays should be spent, make it super simple and just love. That is what I plan on doing this season.
Your loving mom,

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