Friday, December 21, 2012

Blogmas Day 8: My easy cleaning schedule

On the 8th day before Christmas this blogger got super excited because she realized Christmas is getting super close!!! But then she gave to you......

Cleaning tips to break it down into easier tasks, no need for a melt down over a dirty house with these tips.

Before we go into that, here is husband's day 8 present.

On the 8th day of Christmas His true love gave to you Him...


8 oz of tea delivered.
Okay I realize that this is a lot more than 8 oz, but you can't beat a dollar for a large!
And if I was going to take time to deliver it, I figured lets make it a large.
If you decide to give coffee most latte stands consider 8 oz to be a "short".

On to my cleaning tips!

I found this article on for 7 days to house party ready, and I revised it to better fit me and my schedule. I like to use this because it takes the daunting task of cleaning the whole house for guest, holiday, etc. and breaks it down in to manageable tasks for me to complete.

I have two rules, if something belongs in another room I place it in that room. I only put that item away in that room, if said room has already been cleaned. If room has not been previously cleaned I don't let the dirtiness distract me. Also each night I quickly pick up each room that has already been cleaned, to keep it nice looking.

So here is my 7 day cleaning plan...

Day 1: Bedrooms
- change bedding
- vacuum

Day 2: Hallway/Closet/stairwell
- vacuum (including stairs)

Day 3: Bathrooms
- sweep and mop
- deep clean

Day 4: Office
-file paperwork

Day 5: Kitchen
- Sweep and Mop
-Clean oven
- clean fridge

Day 6: Living Room and Dining Room
- Vacuum (including furniture)
- Dust

Day 7: Any detail missed

Day of Party:
-Wipe down bathroom counters and clean toilet bowl
- straighten up
- sweep kitchen
- wipe down kitchen counters
- put out new linens
-make bed

Day 7 is nice to have in case I get a day behind, I have a makeup day.

I hope this helps you prepare for your upcoming family fun time!!

Hoping for a clean house for Christmas,

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