Saturday, December 22, 2012

Day 9: Mackenzie's Wish List

On the 9th day for Christmas Mackenzie wishes for....

You will have to wait until after this short break to find out!!!

On the 9th day of Christmas his true love gave to him.....

9 gumballs for sharing. This is one of my husband's favorite treats, so on one of my shopping trips I stopped in a candy store and picked up some sweets.
This is a easy, inexpensive gift. Most candy stores go by weight, if you only get a few, costs are kept down!!
Now Mackenzie's Christmas list!!

This is the stuff we have got her for Christmas

1. 48" Minnie Mouse - We got ours at Costco for a steal of a deal.
I can't wait for her to see this sitting under the Christmas tree, maybe this will encourage her to crawl. HAHAHA!!

2. Graco Bumper Jumper Doorway - She jumps like crazy in her exersaucer, so I am excited to see her use this!!

3. Bright Starts Drop and Giggle Giraffe - I think it will be fun to watch her chase the balls around the house!!

4. Patterned One-hooded Piece from Old Navy - I love hoods, I hope she has the same love!!

5. Sweater legging and puppy sweater (not pictured) from H&M - The leggings we got were pink, and I could not find a pic or link for the puppy sweater. I'm sure I will post a pic of her wearing it after Christmas sometime. 

Sorry a bunch of the stuff pictured was different than what we got her, apparently a lot of the stuff is sold out. I'm excited for this Christmas, I get to share it with her!! I am fully aware all she will care about is the boxes and paper!!

What is your Christmas wishlist?

Mommy Clause,

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