Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Blogmas Day 6: White as Snow

On the 6th day of Christmas this blogger gave to you.....

Oh my goodness, we are half way thru blogmas!! Can you believe that means you only have 4 more days of shopping (I don't like the idea of shopping on Christmas Eve), 5 days until Christmas Eve, and 6 days until that very special Christmas post!! I hope you are just as excited as I am!! 

Before we jump into today's Blogmas post, here is husband's day 6 gift.


On the 6th day of Christmas your true love gave to you....
6 pack of coke.

This is one of husband's favorite drinks, if you want other ideas, think 1/2 dozen. That helped me pick out what I wanted to get hubby.

Day 6 of blogmas is a great hands on family devotional or kidmin lesson. Snow is so pretty (ignore that it's a pain to drive in), Snow makes everything look so clean! This devotional science I got from Steve Spangler.

Items needed:
Iodine (found in pharmacy section)
White cloth
bowl of water

Isaiah 1:18

“Come. Let us talk some more about this matter,”    says the Lord.“Even though your sins are bright red,
    they will be as white as snow.
Even though they are deep red,
    they will be white like wool.

- When we do bad things (sin) it makes a mark on our heart (mark the white cloth with iodine).
- Those marks separated us from God.
-When Jesus came and died for our sins he washed our heart from all the stains (wash the cloth clean).
- Now that we have a clean heart (white as the snow outside) we can be close to God.

This is always a fun lesson, the kids are always amazed watching the cloth come clean. In all the celebration of Jesus' birth, it's good to remember why He came to earth and ultimately it was to die on the cross for our sins.

I hope you enjoy this blogmas, and I encourage you to take time this holiday season and remember what Christ did for us on the cross.

Merry  CHRISTmas,

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