Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Blogmas Day 12: A very special Christmas post

On the 12th day of Christmas this blogger gave to you.....

On the 12th day of Christmas my husband's true love gave to him...

A 12 month Star Wars calendar, actually as my husband pointed out it is a 16 month calendar. 
Surprisingly, this was only $4 at the Calendar store!!

Our Christmas morning has been fun, fun, FUN!!
Baby received many, many toys!! I will post a baby favorites next month, so be watch out for that!

Onto our special post!

I have always had a desire for writing and I really enjoyed doing it in high school. I even wrote for the teen section of our local newspaper. Unfortunately I never pursued it out of high school.

Last year I imagined what I thought would make a very interesting book. I started to write it but I never finished it. 

So I decided I would write it for you!! I have Chapter 1 done and figured I would post a new chapter every other month or so. It would be a special posting separate from my regular weekly blog. So with out further ado, here is Chapter 1 (the book is still unnamed).

I really want to hear your thoughts and opinions!!

Glad to have a reason for writing,

Eventually I will figure out how to post it as a pdf download, but for now this will have to do.
Chapter 1

“I hated running late.” I thought as I walked swiftly to my usual morning stop, wearing speckled dark gray Capri sweat pants, black tank, and black flip flops. Dark Brown hair left down to dry in the sun. I was running late this morning because, I couldn’t find my wallet hoping I left it at the café. I was walking behind an older couple and a younger man, my age sand wash messy blonde hair, wearing khakis, white t, and a soft gray suit jacket, with brown elbow pads, and black flip flops. The older lady was wearing a floral print dress, and comfort brown shoes she had curly white hair cut short, the man, black slacks, white button up and a brown fedora with black dress up shoes he had thinning white hair but still had majority of it. The old lady dropped something on the ground I stopped picked up the item and said “excuse me ma’am, you dropped this.” “Oh thank you young lady!” She replied as I passed her hurrying to find my lost wallet. Only a few steps away I heard the lady say to her son. “There’s a pretty lady right there” “Grandma!” the man replied. I stepped into the café, surprised to find the trio right behind me. It was the best breakfast house in this small town, and the 9am was the busy hour, that’s why I usually came in at 8. I locked eyes with Eric my normal waiter; as soon as he saw me he yelled, “your normal booth is waiting for you, running a little late are we?” “Eric,” I said; “did I leave my wallet here yesterday.” “Yup” he replied as he reached into his black apron and handed me the pink well used wallet. I sighed a breathe of relief as I sat in my usual spot; small booth for 2 back against the wall watching the front doors of the restaurant, I could see the whole café, it was fun to people watch. The trio that followed behind me sat down in the booth next to me. I usually liked a little more space, and Eric knew it but, being rush hour there wasn’t a whole lot to choose from. I looked in the wallet to make sure it was all there. I knew I could trust Eric but how long had it been sitting here before he grabbed it. It was all there 2-20’s, a ten and 2-5’s totaling in 60 dollars. I saw a shadow pass by and sit down on my booth, I looked up to realize it was the young man I had passed from the trio. “Is anyone sitting here,” he asked. I didn’t reply. This was the first time I noticed his hazel eyes, they were very pretty. I was also debating if I should let someone intrude on my privacy. He continued, “I usually sit with them, (gesturing to the older couple) but they are so in love it’s like sitting with a high school couple. I can handle most times, but at breakfast I want to keep my food down. Also it isn’t good for pretty ladies like you to sit by themselves.” I smiled and nodded and he took a seat across from me. Eric came over to take my order. “The usual” I stated. Eric turned to the young man, “the usual for you too, David.” David replied, “Yes, Eric. Thank you.” And handed him, his menu. I looked confused at David and handed Eric my menu as well. “You come here often like us?” “Every day,” I replied. “Best breakfast in town.” I stated the sign in front of the café. “My name is David,” He said. “How come I haven’t seen you here before?” “I’m Samantha,” I replied, “I usually come at the 8 o’clock hour, today I am running late.” “Oh,” he nodded. Eric brought over our drinks. Coffee for David, Hot Cocoa for me. As Eric placed the Hot Cocoa in front of me he said “ Glad to see you have company today Samantha. Although, I love to join you it’s a little busy here today and Rachael called in sick so it’s just me. I will be back with your food.” I was glad Eric left out the part that I would pay him a whole day wages to sit with me. David started up the small talk. “What brings you here to Mill Valley?” David questioned. “My parents were sick, so I moved here to take care of them.” I replied, “Why aren’t they here with you now?” “They passed away 3 months ago; I decided I liked it here well enough, that I would stay. What brings you here?” “My Grandparents” He turned to look at them and smiled watching his grandma adjust her husband’s collar. “They live inside town, but it’s too much for them to take care of. So I moved here from San Diego to help.” He shrugged off his jacket. I looked at him quizzical. “My grandma says you need to look nice when going to a restaurant, she seemed pleased with the adding of a jacket. With your casual attire, I didn’t want to seem out of place.” I smiled and he did too. Eric brought the food and our conversation continued lightly. David was a school teacher, he misses the water and being able to surf board, but he was very happy helping out his grandparents. He said, watching them in love gave him excitement for when he would find that in his life. I didn’t talk much about me, always diverting the questions back to him. I didn’t like to talk about my past as far as I was concerned it could stay there. At the end of the meal Eric and I locked eyes, I quickly pointed to David’s grandparents table, another table with a young couple, they looked like newlyweds honeymooning in Mill Valley, and to David. David saw the whole transaction and looked at me quizzically then turned at looked back at Eric. Eric nodded went over the table of the young couple and proceeded to tell them that they had won a promotional prize and their breakfast was paid for. The newlywed’s eyes brightened and they repeatedly said thank you. After Eric left the table I watched them so excited they hugged and kissed each other, I smiled. Eric went over to David’s grandparents table. Their names are Louise and Max, I had found out in my conversations with David. Eric told them the same bluff about winning a free breakfast. David turned to look at me after watching the transaction. Eric walked over and handed me all three checks. David, quickly tried to grab for one declaring, “oh, no! I’m not falling for the free breakfast bluff. I can pay for my own breakfast.” I moved all the receipts out of his way and smiled; saying “let this be my treat for being my guest today. Thank you David it was nice to not eat by myself or have to listen to Eric tell me all the café drama today.” David smiled and said, “Fine you can win today but next time it’s my treat.” “Deal.” I replied. I looked at the bills the total came to $60, I looked back in my wallet. I knew I should have grabbed more cash. Usually I only paid for one couple’s meal. If that was the case $60 would have been enough for that and tip. I always leave Eric a big tip. I debated my options, I could pay with what I have and stop by later today to give Eric his tip. But that would mean a second trip to town, and Eric arguing that I always tip too much. I eyed my credit card, the one I haven’t used since I ran away from LA a year ago. Although nervous I pulled that out and handed it to Eric. When he came back with the receipt and pen, I felt a little calmer, a year should be enough time nobody will suspect me to use it now, not in this little town. After I signed the receipt Louise and Max were standing at our table. “Ready to go?” Max asked David. “Sure thing” David replied standing up. “Thank you for breakfast company” David said to me. I smiled and said “Thank you.” Louise looked at me saying, “I’m so glad David could sit by you this morning. I know we bore him so much. And it isn’t good for you to sit by yourself. Don’t you have any friends that could join you for breakfast?” I smiled and replied, “Thank you for letting him sit with me. I do have friends but they all had to work today.” Lying about my lack of friends. Truth is I left all my friends back in LA. David reached for his grandma and said “You could never bore me grandma. Come on let’s get home.” Louise still looking at me replied “working on a Saturday that’s a pity.” She then turned to David her eyes lighting up. “You’d never believe it David, Your grandpa and I won a free breakfast. Isn’t that nice?” David glanced over his shoulder leading his grandparents out the door smiled at me and replied “That is nice Grandma. How lucky you are.” After they were out the door I smiled to myself. Got up with wallet in hand and left $40 for Eric at the table. As I headed for the door I patted Eric on the back. “See you tomorrow.” He stated. I just kept walking.

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