Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Shopping Tips

Back to School shopping is now done, and it's time to indulge in some new looks for you! New season, new looks!! Walking into a store and seeing all the racks staring at you can be overwhelming. Here are some of my tried and true tips to help you shop like a pro. 

My mom and I at Spokane Top Model (I was major prego!)

My mom and I train for big shopping events, such as black Friday and mall of america. We love to shop, that's why we workout to make the best out of our shopping events. We have sprints where we only shop for a few hours or marathons where we shop all day and hit multiple stores (black friday is considered a marathon.) With so many shopping trips under our belt we have lots of tips to share.
Tip #1: Dress comfy, look good.
~ If you look good, you will feel good and you will find more stuff that looks good on you. You would be surprised at how true this is!

~ Wear easy to slip on shoes that you can walk in all day. This is not the time to wear your new heels, that  you have never worn before, and nothing is worse than sitting in the dressing room trying to just get your shoes off so you can try on clothing.

~ I like to wear a basic long tank under my shirt, that way I can try on some shirts without having to get a dressing room.
~ Wear simple layers, you don't want to be carrying a big coat with you everywhere.

~Wear the right underwear. Supportive bra and maybe suck it ins (spanx). Keep it in nude colors. 

Tip #2: Take more into the dressing room.
~You're already undressed might as well try on more!
I went shopping with my BFF, she went into the dressing room with just a few pairs of jeans, but while she was in there I kept bringing more and more jeans. I think I brought one of each pair in the whole store. She walked out finding 2 pairs of jeans she loved.
If you're going in you might as well take a bunch with you, take a few risk pieces. Things you never think would look good on you. You might surprise yourself. Unfortunately there are a few stores that won't allow you to take in as many pieces as you want. This is where a shopping buddy comes in handy. As you try on things they stand outside with more pieces, then when you are done with a piece you hand it to your buddy and they give you another one to try.
Tip #3: Know your closet or buy in outfits.

Nothing is more upsetting than finding a top you love only to bring it home and find nothing it goes with iyou know your closet you can prevent this from happening, same if you buy in outfits. 

~Plus you can separate the outfits for more looks with other pieces in your closet.

~There are some apps for your smart phone that can help with this problem, you can have the computer Clair had in Clueless.
Tip #4:Splurge on classics, save on trends
~Classic pieces that you can wear season in season out, last through all trends. Those pieces don't be afraid to splurge and spend that extra cash on. 

~Classics find quality pieces that will last a long time and get more wear out of their use.

~Trends that won't last but a season, buy on sale don't spend so much money on them.
Just remember to return the favor and go to their place for a day of dress-up.

~Trendy pieces don't worry so much about quality it doesn't need to last a long time.
Here's an easier way you can break down the costs to make shopping feel better:
Classic dark jeans: $50 can be worn over and over. Let say you wear them at least 10 times.
cost per wear becomes $5
Trendy shirt that will only last a season: $10 can be worn only a few times, let's say 2.
cost per wear becomes $5
Keep the cost per wear on the lower side!!
Tip #5: Go lots of places

My mom and I will go into different stores as well as our favorites. You would be surprised at what you can find! Some of those stores have even become our new favorites.
Tip #6: Start in back and work your way forward

Sales are always in the back of the store so start the hunt there, sometimes you can find some great pieces in the back for half the cost!
Tip #7:  Do buy/ Don't buy
~Don't buy just because it's on sale, make sure you love it. Would you consider buying it if it wasn't on sale?
~Do buy when it goes on sale. Do you have to have it now or can it wait?
Sometimes leaving the store and coming back later can wean buyer's remorse. If you love it that much, or can think of multiple ways to wear it, you can go back and get it later in the day. Who knows maybe you find something better at a different store.
Tip #8: Shop with someone who knows what they are talking about
Shopping with someone who knows fashion and will give you an honest opinion will help you be more confident in your purchases. 

Me at the Mall of America smelling a "fart" candle
Those are my tips for shopping, I hope they help! Can't go shopping right now? Here are some tips to make more out of your current closet.

Make more out of your closet.

Tip #1: Remix the wardrobe

~Rearrange your wardrobe. When I can't get inspired by my closet I rearrange the whole thing, sometimes I put everything in order by color, other times by style (i.e. long shirts, short sleeve, sweaters etc.)

~Bring back out the summer pieces. Tights under a sundress or shorts, longs sleeves under a tank.

~Belt it up! Add a belt to the dress, vest, jacket, cardi. Make it feel like a new piece.

Tip #2: New accessories
~Got a few coin but not much, you can get new accessories for small price.

~Or just try new pieces with favorite outfits, layer necklaces, stack bracelets, add extra rings.
Tip #3: Mix it up

~Mix up textures and prints.

~Put girly stuff with masculine structure for a new mix.

~Sequin top with cargo pants, or leather jacket with lace skirt.
Tip #4 Play dress-up
~Spend a day in your closet play with outfits, you may find some new favorites. 
Have a friend come over for a day of dress-up and let them tell you how outfits look or they may find a new combination that you hadn't thought of before. 

Tip #5 Host a clothing swap
~ Invite your friends over put out some snacks and try one clothes. Have everyone bring clothes they no longer want and swap clothes! New to you items. Jessica Alba host denim swaps, that's how she always has new jeans! 

Mackenzie's first shopping trip!

I hope these tips help! Let me know some of your shopping tips!!

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