Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Road Trip!

Road trip with the family!
Oh my goodness it's another Tuesday!! I didn't have much time to prepare for this post. My little family took a road trip to Seattle. We left home at 5am Sunday, drove to Moses Lake where baby finally woke up and decided to eat. We ate as well, yummy McDonald's frapp and sausage biscuit for me! We continued to drive to Thorpe (just outside of Ellensberg) to this cute little antique shop and fruit stand. My mom and I always stop there on our trips so,  I knew it would be a good place to let baby wiggle. 30 minutes later onto Northbend. We wanted to make the Mariners game that afternoon, so not a lot of time to shop! I found stuff for Mackenzie at Carters but after standing in a long line that hadn't moved in 10 minutes I decided I would get it on our return trip. So I said a quick prayer for that stuff to still be there and we pushed to the game. I want to note that Northbend was crazy busy!! At first I wondered why, but then remembered what a great spot for back to school shopping. So note to future self avoid Northbend the week before school.

We got to Seattle at 12 game started at 1 so we headed to the field. Got our tickets and as we headed in the guy told us about a first game certificate for Mackenzie, got that and found out they had a nursing lounge! Awesome! We decided to find our seats although super hungry. They were bad seats! Last row and in the sun. We decided to see if we could upgrade. I went and fed baby, Mondo went and upgraded us. Great seats! We sat down and he went to get us food. Chicken strips and my fave garlic fries, a little worried about how baby would react less garlic though, sadsie. I never noticed a reaction in baby, yay! After the game we went to the hotel. Hampton Inn and Suites, not to be confused with the Hampton Inn on the same street. Amazing hotel!!! Newer, cleaner and a great price. I will mos def stay there again. We needed food so off to find it. Mackenzie by this time was sick of her car seat so as soon as we put her in she fussed!! Poor baby!! We decided to try Famous Dave's BBQ. We ordered, got our app and after about 45 minutes of waiting and the table next to us getting thier food, our waitress came up to us and said she had forgot to turn in our ticket and on top of that she had lost it. So we reordered and she rushed our food to us. Coming back to apologize she said our meal would be comped! We never complained, asked for a manager or anything. So that was a nice surprise. The food was just ok, we personally didn't find it to be amazing, but we would go again. We tipped our waitress and left, off to the hotel for swimming!

our view
Mackenzie loves the game!
Mackenzie's first game!
My Family
Us again!

Mackenzie was fussy as I was putting on her swimsuit so I was worried about her just being done for the night. But she loved every minute of it. After we took her upstairs for a shower, big shower in the hotel but, no tub. And done she was for the night. We borrowed a play pen at the hotel. I think she didn't like being so low on the ground or was confused by it. She woke up a few times and wouldn't fuss but she would talk. I think she thought she fell asleep while playing on the floor. So she slept next to me, on the big king size bed.
Getting ready to go swimming!
Mackenzie in her float!
Chillin' on mommy and daddy's bed

Next morning we had the hotel breakfast. Super yummy, egg and cheese omelets, waffle bar, fruit, cereal, juice. Yummy! We went to Enumclaw so Mackenzie could meet her great uncle. Again she fussed when we put her in the car seat. After a too short of a visit with them we went to Ikea.

At Ikea we had lunch and OMG! That place was crazy! We forgot it was Labor Day. We shopped, never before had I shopped there knowing I was going to be buying a bunch of stuff. I loved it! We got alot of stuff so I can finally finish Mackenzie's room (I will post pictures when I finish that). We bought so much stuff they comped our lunch from earlier. Whoo hoo! Mackenzie did great wiggling in the cart until the very end. She had a blow out (she gets super fussy when she is poopy). Me being a goofy mom, i didn't pack a change of clothes, but I did leave her pj's in there from the day before. We loaded up the car and headed to South Center!

I love this mall!! As we were heading in we decided to rent one of the strollers, once we got in someone just gave us one! First stop H&M, I can't wait for ours to open. I bought 3 tops for me, wanting more but I decided I would wait until ours opens and get them then. My husband and baby not used  being used to my shopping trips were tuckered out. Mackenzie slept most of the time in the stroller, so we hurrried through most of the mall, again Mackenzie was done for the day and got really fussy so we decided to head for dinner and back to the hotel for swimming.  We stopped at Dave's Diner right next to our hotel, not great food but awesome service. Mackenzie was asleep, we ordered and as soon as our food showed up she started screaming! I tried feeding her in the restruant but, she just screamed. Mondo took her out to change her and the staff saw he was gone and put his food under the heat lamp for him. He came back in with a still fussy baby. So I took her out fed her and all better. We went to the hotel for more swimming.

Tuckered out at South Center
Sleeping at Dave's Diner

When we got in the pool she cried, I thought "Oh great, this is going to be short." But once she got used to the water, she loved it! She figured out how to hold herself up in the floaty, she would kick and actually follow us around the pool. I was one proud mom, who knows maybe she will be the next Missy Franklin, Olympic star!! After swimming, another shower and bed.

Tuesday morning I thought she had slept so good I never heard her. Apparently I was wrong, I was so out, Mondo woke up to her. Either way though she slept in her own bed. We got hotel breakfast, sausage and gravy, eggs, waffle bar, cereal, fruit, baked goods and more. Got in the car and went back to Northbend. We got the there 10 mins before they opened so, I fed Max, perfect timing. She was done and stores opened. We shopped to much smaller crowds, and everything that I wanted was still there and still on sale. Some for an even better price. I got 2 pairs of shoes, socks to make Mackenzie some baby legs, and Mackenzie got a bunch of stuff!! Too much to list!! Hahaha! Mackenzie slept the rest of the way home, where I am now typing this. We should get home just in time for me to help unpack, change clothes, and head to work. 

Overall it was a great trip of firsts for Mackenzie, showing of God's favor, and family memories (I am sure she will remember all of it!) I love my family!
Our Ikea haul

Mackenzie's haul
(the socks are to make her some baby legs)

My haul

Mondo's haul
(We bought him stuff at Ikea for his office)
(not pictured)

All this lead to an unprepared blogger! Next blog will be fall fashion, as requested by an amazing woman and friend! Also football as requested by my husband. Haha! I do have a post about science in KidMin, I will soon put it up too!

Love you guys!!

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