Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Games, Games, and more Games part 3

Continuing with our games theme. Random games, these will be great for the times service goes extra long and you have no idea what to do, or the kids are just a little too busy and need to run off some extra energy. Here we go:

Boredom Busters:
4 corners: (my Sunday class loves this, and even begs for it.) Assign 4 corners in your classroom a number (1 thru 4). One person is "it" stands against a wall with eyes closed. Everyone else goes and picks a corner to stand in, play music during this time so the hiding eyes person can't hear where they go. Before the "it" person opens their eyes they pick a corner, everyone in that corner is out. Continue on until only one kid is left, that person becomes it. Notes: As you get fewer and fewer people take out a corner. Also this game is only fun with 10 or more kids.

Captain midnight:

Have all the kids make a line at one end of the field/gym/open area. They all should be facing you while you are at the other end.
- Turn your back to them and have one child ask, “Captain Midnight, what time is it?”
- Tell them a time. For instance, if you say, “3 o’Clock,” then all children take three steps. If you say “10 o’clock” they take 10 steps.
- As the kids take their steps, have the same child ask again. Then give them an answer. Continue this process.
- At some point, depending on the size of your playing area, you will need to end things so you will scream “MIDNIGHT!!!” after they ask you what time it is.
- It is at this point that chaos ensues. After screaming “midnight” or better yet, while you scream it, turn around and chase after the kids as they scurry back to the starting line. They will go absolutely bonkers.
- Make sure you call “midnight” before a child gets to you. Their goal is to be the first to tag you. Therefore, expect some children to take large steps and even cheat a little. Therefore, it is perfectly acceptable to turn your head a few times and check the progress.
- As you run, tag as many kids as you can. Those kids are then out. Keep playing until there is one child left. That child then gets to take over your job as the caller if you choose to relinquish that duty.

Dead Cow, Live Cow, Sleeping Cow: Kind of like Simon Says call out one of the 3 and the kids must get in that position, last one in the position or if in the wrong position is out. I make the rule that all cows are quiet cows, if I hear a cow you are out.
Dead cow: Laying on back, arms and legs in the air
Live Cow: on hands and knees
Sleeping cow: laying on your side

North, South, East, West: Players must jump and face the direction called (in one jump) if facing the wrong direction or too late, they are out.

Dizzy Mummy: Played as teams of 3. Each team has a mummy, 2 wrappers and a roll of toilet paper. The 2 wrappers, wrap the mummy in a certain time limit (I go one minute). The team with the best coverage wins.

Clothespin: Set out clothespins, divide the class into 2 teams. The teams must pin clothespins onto each other's shirt. (give them 3 minutes or 5) the team with the least amount of clothespins wins!

Cheeto Face: Goggles, shaving cream, cheetos. One person puts on the goggles, squirts a bunch of shaving cream onto the goggles. The other player stand about 3 feet back and throw cheetos at the goggles. Team with the most Cheetos sticking to the goggles at the end of a set amount of time wins.

Drip, Drip, Drop: Played like duck, duck, goose, but with a large sponge soaked in water. Drip over peoples head and Drop over the person to be it.

I hope this series of games gave you inspiration or ideas to play with your little ones. Let me know if you liked them, tried them, or have others to add to the bunch. 

This ends the game series, what should I blog about next?

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