Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Fight Like a Girl: We are the Answer

We are the answer!

This is part 3 to my Fight Like A Girl Series. You can read the rest here: intro: part 1: part 2.

I know as a woman I have been told I am being too emotional or this wouldn't be a problem if I kept my emotions in check. How about you? Words like that tend to make me think I am more of the problem than the answer. I will admit I have had moments where my emotions have gotten the best of me. Haven't we all? That doesn't mean I am the problem. In fact so, so many times God has used women as an answer to a problem.  Gosh, I could name so many. Eve to Adam being overwhelmed. Deborah in Judges that is a funny story to me; read it in Judges 4. Esther saving her whole nation! Can't forget Mary to save the world!

Stop looking at yourself as a problem and realize you are the answer! One of my favorite scriptures is Esther 4:14. You are raised for such a time as this! You have a job no man can do! Step up and do it!

You may be thinking but I am a stay at home mom, or I am just a working lady. What I do doesn't matter I just raise kids, or I just make dinner for my husband, I just work for my boss. The position you are in is a position no man can complete. I am not talking the actual physical work. I am talking the ministering you are doing. The example you are setting. You are where you are because God needed a woman's touch in that spot, and that woman's touch is yours. Stop letting people tell you, you are the problem and realize you are the answer! 

As I was studying the past few weeks I read a blog by a girl named Andi Andrew. At the end of one of her blog posts she said this.

Women – we need each other. God is doing something so powerful with His women… It’s explosive, it’s catching fire. The walls are falling down, we are uniting as one, girded in Jesus, with one cause. The women are rising up. The women have found their voice. The women are free.

You are the answer for such a time as this. To reach the world in such a time as this. To change lives of those around you for such a time as this. You are a woman and it's time to ROAR!

This is the final part of my Fight Like A Girl Series. I am sad to see it end and I really enjoyed it. I plan on writing a few more devotionals up and coming. I hope you enjoyed this series as much as I did and I hope it encouraged you as much as it did me! Tell me in the comments if you liked the series and in any way it encouraged you. I love to hear your stories! 

1 comment:

  1. We have untapped potential. Its funny how we don't know our own strength until we are put in places that we have to be strong, smart, and oh so very clever. Great article Dorinda! Keep up the good work!
