Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Fight Like a Girl: Our Greatest Weapon

This is a continuation of a devotional I taught at our Church at our Women's tea. I loved it and wanted to continue studying so I brought it with me to the blog. You can read part 1, and part 2. Now onto the next point Our Greatest Weapon!

A lot of times we are told to think of ourselves or to move up in this world you must step on people. Jesus says something different to the disciples in Matthew those who are last will be first. I think Women especially are gifted and talented in the area of hospitality, we are going to look at a few women in the bible as our example.

Let's start with the first woman Eve she was called to be Adam's helpmate that's it. Designed and created to help Adam her job was to serve him and help him accomplish what God had called him to do. I bet there were times she felt like a doormat, Adam would say; "hey honey will you help me with....." She probably was thinking; "seriously you can't do this one thing by yourself?" Yet, that was her job. Sometimes when serving others you feel like a doormat, I hear a lot people say don't be a doormat and it sounds good but, I looked in the bible and I can't find scripture to back that up. I did find Matthew 5:38-40; 
38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’[a] 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. 40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well.

Gosh, I am pretty sure that defines doormat right there. Sometimes you are going to feel stepped on and walked on and used. Keep on serving, and serve with a smile. God's Word contains promises saying, promotion comes from God, and do everything as doing unto the Lord, and the last shall be first. Serving isn't the easiest way but it is the only way recognized by God.

Before we continue onto our next lady I want to mention that there isn't room for physical or mental abuse. If you are being abused get out of the situation, it is bad. You can use your gift of serving else where.

Next lady I want to look at is one of my favorite, in fact whenever I am asked to speak to women I almost automatically plan on teaching from her story. I love a story with spa and fashion!! It is Queen Esther! When it was time for her to save her people and ask the king for a favor, she choose to serve him dinner. She called the King and her worst enemy; the one planning the whole plot to kill not just her family but, her whole race of people, over to dinner. After she served him food the king says; "What is your petition? Even up to half the kingdom is yours at your request." Wow!! What an answer just for giving him some dinner!! Guess what! The king gave her, her request and destroyed the one who had plotted to kill her whole nation! What can we accomplish by serving someone else? 

Don't give up on your dream plant seeds by helping others reach their dreams. God will make sure others help you do the same. Serving is planting seed in the lives of others whether they are Christian or not. Your servanthood could make a non- christian see the love of God and run into His arms. Don't under estimate the power of serving!

There is a flip side to serving and again since this is our greatest weapon sometimes we can over use it. Whenever I think of serving I also think of Mary and Martha. When Jesus came to the door Martha was in the kitchen and Mary sitting at His feet. Martha gets upset and says; "Jesus, tell Mary to help me." To which he replies; "Mary has chosen the better thing." There is time to serve and there is a time to listen. To become truly skilled at our weapon when we need to know when to use it and when to not. Martha didn't choose the wrong thing, she just choose the wrong time to do the right thing. Sometimes when serving we let it take place of everything and forget we need to take time and sit and hear from God. When we don't do this it builds resentment, I know I have been there. Don't let serving take the place of hearing.

Serving is our weapon! Like a sword if you were to practice with it everyday and never sharpen it, when time came to go to battle it would be dull and of no use. You could be great and talented at it, but because you are so tired and dull you can't do any good. To sharpen our sword of serving we need to take time listening. First at home, and second at church. Don't serve every Sunday in the nursery make sure you are in listening to your Pastor preach the Word. Don't let the kids be your alarm clock take back your mornings and listen to God before you serve them and your husband. Before you go to work, listen, so you can better serve your boss. 

Romans 12:13 says; Share with the Lord's people who are in need; practice hospitality. An old saying comes to mind "They don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care." The greatest way to reach people and to show people God is to serve them, show them God's love.

I want to encourage you again, to join me in the Rise and Nine challenge. Wake up 3 minutes praise, 3 minutes prayer, 3 minutes read. 

I have a few book suggestions on this topic;

Mary heart in a Martha world; I have no actually read this one but, it does have some great reviews and I do want to read it.

Keep serving and keep listening! In two weeks I will talk on the last point!

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