Monday, November 11, 2013

Weight loss journey part 3

So mind you I am sitting here typing this just getting over something super yucky. I haven't eaten much today with my upset tummy, but I wanted to get this post done. So, in warning it will probably be short.

Overall this whole time was not good. With moving and switching gyms and so much more I fell back into old habits. When I finally weighed in, I was beyond nervous hoping that somehow I maintained my current weight.

Here was my weigh in:
Bust: stayed

Waist: +.5"
Tummy: same
Hips: -.5"
Thighs: -.5" each

Weight: -2 lbs

I was overly joyed by these results. I was happy to see that not all my old habits came back and that I was maintaining some control. I am also happy because I have been able to bring back some of my good habits. I just need to find a place to bring back p90x.

I do think I owe a thank you to you knowing I had to check in kept me in line. Although I do know I missed my halloween goal I need to adjust and check back in, in 8 weeks with a goal of 16lbs. Lets see how  do!

Here is a new pic:

New me,


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