Monday, November 11, 2013

For the love of all things Chalkboard

I have become obsessed with chalkboards!!! I am not sure why and I think I may need to join a anonymous group for support for my obsessiveness. I even have a pinterest board dedicated to it!!!  Mondo has supported me in my love of chalkboards and is even willing to buy me one. Problem is I want to create a custom one and need to find the perfect picture frame. I have been scouring the thrift stores in hunt for it and have yet to find it. 

I do like the chalkboard prints although, I like the idea of changing a chalkboard on a whim. A blogger that I follow does do a few chalkboard prints, you can visit her etsy shop here. Currently she has a coupon code COUSINEDDIE for 30% off your order. Finding some inspiration from her I created my own. 

These are quotes from our amazing Pastor. Every week he has a quote that has inspired my own hashtag #joshbinglequotes and my designing of these chalk prints. I thought I would share them with you.

This one was from this last week. He has been teaching on the fruits of the spirit as of lately and this last week was on goodness. 
 From over the summer. Pastor Josh was talking on being confident in the goodness of our God and trusting Him to make a way when there seems to be none.
 Love this one! On his current series the fruits of the spirit, kindness. He talked about how kindness can make a bridge for people.
This one is my FAVORITE!! Again, on his current series he talked about finding peace in every situation.

Have you got on the chalkboard band wagon?

I promise later this week to continue with the regular blogging schedule. To bring in the festive spirit I will share with you my favorite holiday wear, for baby and mom!

My name is Dorinda and I love Chalkboards

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