Saturday, September 7, 2013

Weight Loss Journey: Part 2

A friend of mine told me that if you make a 1 degree change it will take you to a whole new destination. So, that has been my goal in this health journey make small 1 degree changes that will forever change my life. 

To review here is the start of my journey!

Here is how my weight loss/ healthy journey has been coming the last 7 weeks.

Week 1: Loss of 8.5 lbs and 2 inches. I about fell over the scale and still don't believe this loss! My mom had to convince me it was real (I still think wrong). No big changes, just watching portions, p90x and bumped up the hill intervals to a level 2. I still can't believe, really, 8 lbs!!!

Week 2: I was right scale was for some reason wrong, or I gained 5 lbs. Which I know that wasn't true. This week I really struggled with the p90x. I missed 3 times, but I still hit the gym. I also had a 2 inch weight loss, so, I know the 5 lbs gain was wrong.

Week 3: Only 1 lb weight loss this week.  No loss in inches. This week was tough, so I am glad nothing happened. I think it would have discouraged me.

Week 4: CRAZY WEEK!! I have barely been able to work out, which made me super sad. I also missed weigh in, which made me more sad. I was feeling good this week! The new jeans I bought seen in last weight loss post (here) were big, like falling off big!!

Week 5: Sorry for the TMI but Aunt Flo visited and the sweet cravings I gave into more than I thought I should have and continuation of crazy week made little time for work outs. I had little hope going in to weigh in. Loss of 5 lbs and 4 inches!! So excited, I like the results from missing a weigh in!

Week 6: I am beginning to hate crazy schedules!! I still lost though!! 2 lbs and 1 inch!! Which puts me below my goal!!

Week 7: This was the weekend of the road trip, I didn't eat great and was super nervous I would gain. Good news I DIDN'T!!! I didn't lose either though. 

Since I still hit my goal I get to go shopping!!
I will post my finds later as well as my tips for a healtyish road trip!!
Here is a pic of my results!

These shorts, I haven't worn in 2 years!!
In other news, I found my personal trainer notes apparently I am now at my pre pregnancy weight! I thought I was smaller! But I am still keeping my goal 24lbs left in 17 weeks.

Next goal; 14 lbs in 9 weeks (Halloween).

Half way there!

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