Monday, August 19, 2013

Back to School

I love back to school shopping and what a great time of year to buy new clothes!! I can't wait to go back to school shop for Mackenzie!! Toddlers can go to school, right? I have been looking for a toddler programs but, haven't found one yet. Mackenzie is going to start gymnastics in September. That makes me SUPER, SUPER excited!! Maybe I'll have to go shopping for that?! Until then here are my back to school picks for a non back to school toddler!!

One - Two - Three - Four -

In case you couldn't tell, I have an obsession,  no love, obsession for foxes, which Max started with her Roxy the fox (first seen here). Little toddler backpacks! What's not to love!! Every one of these pieces I would so wear, if they made them in my size!! Although there is a great fox sweater for mama love too (here). 

For the first time (and to honor my baby boy cousin). I have decided to post a boy's back to school fashion faves!!

OMG! It was so fun finding all these little boy loves, I hope baby #2 is a boy (not on the way any time soon) so, I can play dress up with him too!!

Should I continue to do baby boy finds as well?? 

No better way to end a blog then to post a picture of little miss with her backpack ready to spend the night at Gramma's!!

P.S. the whole time I was typing this blog I was singing "Back to School, Back to School to prove to my dad that I'm not a fool. I got my lunch packed up, my shoes tied tight. I hope I don't get in a fight." HAHA!!

Back to School hugs from this Mama,

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