Thursday, June 13, 2013

Mackenzie's birthday

MY COMPUTER CRASHED!  Ugh the horror!  So, I am typing this on my phone, easier said then done. I promised you Mackenzie's birthday and you shall have it.

Day of her birthday

She woke up and I threw in all of these balloons, she loved it! 

We then came out to the living room where she found a present.

She adores this couch.
Next, we dressed to head out for breakfast at Ihop, I signed her up for emails so her breakfast was free!
Here is what Little Miss wore for the day

Birthday onesie is from WalMart.
Little Miss loved her breakfast.

We came home where life returned to normal. After dinner we gave her a cupcake to practice for her party.

Practice was a success!!
I will continue on with her party next week. Where hopefully I can get to a real computer. This typing on a phone thing. RIDICULOUS!

Send Mackenzie a birthday email

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