Thursday, June 6, 2013

Guest Blogger:The "Why" of Good Fashion

I am so happy to be guest blogger again. This time I decided to write about the "why" of good fashion. 

As women we are constantly judged. Unfortunately its mostly by other women. Men have this fascinating way of taking things how they are. Women, on the other hand, judge. One of the things they judge on is appearance. I know its not right, but it is what it is. And I must say, that I am guilty of it too. When I see women in their pajamas, out and about shopping, eating, at the movies, etc., I judge. 

That is where first impressions are soooooooo important. When you look good, no matter how you are feeling, you are telling the world that you have your act together. Even if you don't feel like it,  you are hanging by a thread, and you want to crawl into your bed and do nothing but eat chocolate and cry; if you look good, the world won't know that you are going through hell. (And remember, you are going through hell, not stopping and camping out there.) I have noticed (because I like watching people), that the better dressed you are, the better you are treated, with respect. Also, dressing well is a type of power. It tells the world, don't mess with me, I'm strong and I know what I'm doing. While I was working as a hearing reporter for Social Security, when the claimant would dress in pj's (yes, in front of a judge they would wear pjs), the judge would think that they didn't know how to handle money. (This is a hint; if you ever go in front of a judge, dress well and they think you have smarts and have your act together.) So many people have been given the wrong advice of appearing in front of a judge, "dress poorly and the judge will take pity on you and think you can't afford whatever it is. Wrong! They just think you can't handle money. Enough on that subject.

Dress well. You don't have to be in Prada, Chanel, Karan. Just dress well. If your style is jeans and T-shirt, throw on a jacket over top and put on some heels to dress it up. You will look confident and look like you have control of the world. Learn how to do the 5 minute make-up routine. Hold your head high, throw your shoulders back and look them in the eye. 

You are an amazing woman! Act like it!

Love you! Dawn

P.s. Coming up next week; Mackenzie's first birthday!!
Love, Dorinda

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