Saturday, April 20, 2013

Samantha Kaine Chapter 2

Finally, here is Chapter 2. I know you have waiting since Christmas!!! Forgot what Chapter 1 said?? Here is the link. So, it's looking like Samantha's story is going to be a short one, 6 maybe 7 chapters and I will post the chapters closer together. I am also looking into starting a Dropbox account and just posting the access information here, then you can go on there and download them; instead of having a huge post. What do you guys think? Have you ever had a dropbox account or downloaded from someone else's? Do you prefer me posting the chapters here?

Let me know! Here is Chapter 2........

Chapter 2

I didn’t return to the café for 3 days, this was unusual for me. I was afraid to return and run into David again, I liked him a lot, but I can’t risk letting people get too close to me. I decided to return today at my normal time, 8am. Just walking in the café made my mouth water, the smell of fresh cooked bacon filled the room. I would have stayed home for breakfast again but, I couldn’t force down another badly burnt toast, over cooked eggs, and way too strong of coffee. I never got the hang of cooking, apparently that was my mom’s specialty. I missed my mom’s cooking, not a day went by where I didn’t crave her spaghetti, best in the world. Once I snapped out of my dream world, Eric greeted me; “Haven’t seen you in a while, finally realized that our cooking was better?” I just smiled and went to my normal booth. Eric came over with my Hot Cocoa, “Ya know, David has been here every day asking about you? He’s here at 8am and doesn’t leave until 10am in fear of missing you. I think the boy is love sick.” I handed Eric my menu and ordered my usual 3 buttermilk pancakes and 2 strips of bacon. My stomach grumbled at the idea of the better tasting food. The front door bell rang, Eric yelled in my direction, “Good morning David.” He had a giant smirk on his face. I sunk a little in my booth and kept my head down, feeling my cheeks blush; although it was hard to miss me in the nearly empty café. David walked right over and sat down. “You know you are one hard lady to track down, and Eric wouldn’t budge on any information, not even a phone number.” I just smiled slightly and said, “I’m sorry.” Not sure on how to reply, and thanking Eric in my head at his respect for my privacy. “No Max and Louise today?” I asked trying to redirect the conversation. “Nope, they have been pressuring me to find you since our breakfast date. They think I should ask you out, I thought if I brought them with me and you were here Louise would ask you out before I got the chance.” We both laughed and began talking as if we had never left the table three days ago. I liked David conversation was easy with him, he shared lots of stories about his 3rd graders he left behind in San Diego. When he asked questions about me I gave him the most vague answers possible, I worked in the stock market in L.A. and when I left L.A. to come here I became a financial advisor over the internet, allowing me to work from home. I came here from L.A. to help my parents, who died in a car accident 3 months ago. After breakfast was over, David helped me pick out the couple to buy breakfast for.  When Eric brought over the tickets David quickly swiped up ours, “My treat he said.” I smiled and nodded. I paid for the other couple’s and left Eric a too generous tip as we stood to leave the table. Once outside, “You never answered my earlier questions?” David asked. “What was that?” I replied. “Samantha, will you go on a date with me?” I smiled quickly debating in my head, “Yes.” I decided trying to push back the fears screaming at me in my head. “Great,” David said, “I will pick you up at 6.” I grabbed a piece of paper and pen out of my wallet, scribbled down my address and phone number and handed it to David.  “See you at six” David waved as we both turned and went our separate ways. The whole walk home, my brain raced with thoughts. Was it safe to finally date some one? I hadn’t dated since Robert and that ended 18 months ago. Is it safe for David to date me? It had been over a year since anything bad happened, maybe I am finally safe? What if I’m not? I’m sure I’m safe, besides it would be nice to finally have someone to talk to; I have been alone ever since my parents died. I continued debating myself until 4 o’clock when I decided I was going to cancel. I picked up the phone only to realize I didn’t get his number, and I didn’t know his last name. I started beating my forehead with my hand. “Seriously, I put myself in the same position as 2 years ago; how could I be some dumb?” I can’t believe I even gave him my address, always meet someone in a public place. Never give out your number, always get theirs. Always, always get their last name. I broke my own rules. How many times did I Google search people who walked up to the door, the UPS guy, the next door neighbors, the mailman and yet I let my guard down with David. I felt like the insecure girl I was two years ago. David couldn’t be like Robert, there was no way; although Robert fooled everyone, my best friend, and my parents. No, David was different I was sure of it. Next thing I knew it was 5 o’clock. I better start get ready because whether I liked it or not David would be here in an hour.

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