Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Book Reading Journey

Back in January I decided I would read one "non-fiction" book every month. I guess you could call it my New Year's resolution except that I don't really believe in those. So I call it a goal/ interest. I thought I would share with you what books I have read so far.

Please note when I picked these books it was not because of their length or lack of length but, because they actually piqued my interest.

I really enjoyed this book in the beginning but, near the end of the book I lost interest. I'm not even sure what made me lose interest but, overall I did enjoy it. 
Side note: When you read this book, which is talking about the church don't read it and see what's wrong with your church, running to your Pastor demanding things get fixed. Read it and examine yourself, make sure your life is right. If you see problems in your church, take it to God in prayer.

Short read, life changing. Great encouragement book.

For MARRIED people only. A book on have to a sexual pleasing marriage, God's way. Also talks about sex after pregnancy, to get pregnant, sex in all stages of life. Great books for newlyweds! Talks about sex the first time and what to expect.

Love this book! In fact I plan on using it as a devotional next month. Just read a chapter a day and apply. Changed my prayer life, a must read.

I look forward to starting this book soon!

Other books I have read and suggest:

The Blood Speaks by Larry Huggins, Destined to Reign and Unmerited Favor by Joseph Prince.

I have also recently challenged myself to listen to more teaching series.

Recently: Ideal family, Willie George

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Currently: Invaders, Willie George
Downloaded from the Church on the Move App or  Watch here
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Next: Favor When You Least Expect It, Joseph Prince
Monthly Partner Cd Series buy similar here

I'm not sure on what my June book will be, any suggestions?
They don't need to be ministry related book, we just happen to have a lot of those, and my life has a lot of ministry in it, so that is what I am most drawn to. 

Also I do love to read, so these are followed by "fun" books as well. A few of those I will soon be doing a book review on!

Book Lover, 

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