Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Mommy/ Baby Favorites

Little miss is growing and moving so much, it's hard to keep up with her!
Let alone get a blog posted!!!

Here are our 7/8 month Baby Favorites

1. Scout
This was a gift from Aunt Brenda, and it is the neatest toy ever!!
It hooks up to the computer and you can program baby's name, favorite food, color, animal. Scout sings songs about baby and even talks to baby using baby's name!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this toy!!!

2. Multi Grain Cheerios (and any food we can feed ourselves)
Really Mackenzie is just so happy that she is big enough to feed herself, she likes any food she can feed herself.

3. Nuby Sippy Cup
We tried some other sippy cups and little miss had a hard time with them. Once we found this one all troubles were over. No spills  from this easy flow cup, it's also easy for baby to drink from.

4. Bumbo Tray
I'm not a big fan of the high chair we got her, so this is a great replacement!! Works great for snack time too!!
Sidenote: Don't place baby on tables or leave unsupervised

5. Cart/High Chair cover
Since babies love to put their mouth on stuff, this is a great way to keep them protected!! And getting it at Ross for $5, steal of a deal!!

6. Disney Baby Choo-Choo
A Christmas Gift from Gramma and Grampa she loves to push this train around the house, and sings with it!!

7. V Tech Move and Craw Ball
It's timed perfectly that when she gets distracted from it, it sings and rolls again encouraging her to come get it! Now that she's officially a crawler, she loves to catch and laugh!!

8. Taggie Blanket
I have featured this before but, she loves this thing!! We got a replacement one for washing time and just in case. She doesn't sleep without her taggie!!

9. Ipod Shuffle
We have found that she sleeps better through the night with music playing. So this has been a huge help!!

10. Stack and Roll Cups
She loves to bang these cups together, and when we build them into balls she likes to roll them. Great toy, so many uses!!

I hope this helps with those baby shower buys or even to keep your little one busy!!

Baby chasing Momma,

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