Saturday, December 15, 2012

Blogmas day 2

On the second day of blogmas this blogger will share with you.....
Christmas house tour and decor tips!
Before we jump into that, here is hubby's day 2 Christmas gifts
On the second day of Christmas your true love gave to you....

(Sorry blurry and upside down?) 

2 toe warmers, I put them in a home made card.

This weekend he is going to a football game and wanted some to take with and we were out so I went and found him some.

Other ideas would be anything in pairs. I.e. socks, gloves, headphones! So fun!! Stay tuned for day 3!!

"Up on the housetop reindeer pause, out jumps good ole Santa clause..." and this house is ready for him!!

Instead of going overboard decorating this year, I decided to chill back and do little tastes of Christmas in each room. Maybe this way I won't cringe at the thought of taking it all down. Although I am sure I will be a little sad. I made a bunch of decorations I found on pinterest that I will be sharing later on in blogmas. 

This is my living room and dining room. I didn't want to post too many pics of my house, and Mackenzie's room will have its own day.

These 2 rooms I spent the most time on and I must say I love the way it turned out! I hung a bar in between the 2 stocking holders to give a more layering effect. The red wreath is from Wal-Mart and I tied a big red bow to hold it, this is one of my faves!! When I bought the wreath I was afraid I wouldn't like it. This year I was really drawn to the color red, so I added touches of it everywhere. I made snowflakes, including these 3d ones, and the paper ones, including the star war ones!! Here is the link for the Star War Snowflakes. Again, the links for the rest will be coming in later blogmas. I love the little setup of the hanging ornaments, Christmas pillow and plaid blanket in this corner. I wanted a new way to display all the Christmas cards we will be getting in the mail (I love the ones with pictures, and the handmade ones!!) so I hung some string and will be using clothespins to attach them. On the tree I have my new angel (from hobby lobby) handmade garland, gold ornaments and all my favorites I have collected over the years, and lots of lights! The garland I made by cutting strips of butcher paper and writing "The magic of Christmas is not in the presents but in His presence" over and over again. Then I attached the strips by using a hole punch and tying them together with red ribbon. In the kitchen I did simple things, safety pinned some fake poinsettia flowers unto the curtains, downstairs bathroom I made a simple merry Christmas banner and added a Christmas house village night light. Upstairs bathroom is rubber ducky themed, so I pulled out all the Christmas theme rubber duckies to display. In the hallway I have some stacking boxes that tell the story of the night before Christmas, I stacked those a cute way. In the stairwell, a lighted fake garland adorns the banister as well as a picture of Santa. In our bedroom simple Christmas teddy bears out for display.

I love the look of simple vignettes created in different rooms of the house. This year was probably my favorite way to decorate!! How do you decorate your house? Do you go completely overboard?? Should I do a whole blogmas post dedicated to my tree?

Come back tomorrow for day 3 of blogmas!!

Don't forget my special blogmas to be debuted on Christmas morning!!

Have a Merry Christmas Season!

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