Monday, December 15, 2014

Blogmas: Pregnancy Update

Advent Activity: Christmas Craft
Scripture: Luke 2:13-14
13 Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,
14 “Glory to God in the highest heaven,
    and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”

I think today we will finish our coffee filter snowflakes. This was a simple art project, take a coffee filter spray it down with water then drop food coloring on it. Give your toddler a paintbrush to "paint" in the food coloring. Set aside to dry, cut out snowflakes. Mackenzie loves to paint so this was a great activity for her. 

Here is a pregnancy update, along with how my NST's are going.

How far along: 36 weeks.
Gender: Girl!! Ainsley!
Weight gain: 35 lbs, food is my enemy this week.
Maternity clothes: Yes, I found 50 cent maternity shorts, I could not pass them up. If you read yesterday's post you already know I am quite proud of this find. 
Stretch marks: yes bleh. Still need to try those oils
Belly button in or out: neither. I don't have a belly button anymore.
Sleep: Not good. I think because it is getting colder, my hips hurt.
Best moment this week: Reduced hours at work have been super nice!!
Miss anything: Getting up easily. I take Max to the library every week and they have a play time, on the floor. Moving station to station is challenging. 
Cravings: Nothing in particular, I am seriously always hungry though.  
Queasy or sick: No
Looking forward to: I don't even know, lots of things. I am trying to just enjoy the moments. 

So as you know my first NST (non stress test) did not go very good. I have found since then the best way to get Ainsley to move is to play her music and the wiggles come out. Specifically "Alive" and "Brighter" from Hillsong Young and Free. Well, this past visit she got stubborn, she has to be Mondo's girl. They strap a heart monitor to my belly to record the baby's heart, to pass the test she needs to kick and have a raised heart rate. This time she decided to kick the heart monitor and at one point completely push against the monitor so it could not record her heartbeat. OMG! Silly girl, we went in to get a ultrasound and since I didn't have a great recorded heartbeat they checked her breathing and she did good. So at least this test did not take as long and went over really well. Now I need to figure out how to keep her away from the monitor. HAHA!!

Although I am done with these tests and really am looking forward to enjoying my baby, she can keep on cooking. I know she is easier to take care of in the belly then out!

Don't forget to enter to win the leggings, I will even ship to whoever wins. So out of towners enter!!

Tomorrow I am posting my mommy to be wish list!!
See you then!

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