Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Blogmas day 9: our weekend in review

I am so sorry I took a break from blogmas. I only meant to take the weekend off but due to the Internet being down yesterday I had to take an extra day. Actually the Internet is still down and I am typing this on my phone. Anyways,  Thursday I had a doctors appointment and it turned out to be super stressful, I will update on that when I post a pregnancy update this week. Because of how stressed I felt from the doctor appointment I decided to spend some time relaxing and enjoying the weekend with my family, even though it ended up being super busy, and that's why I did not blog for a few days. I am still giving away a pair of leggings and you can enter to win those here.  Onto our weekend, do you count friday as the weekend? Friday I actually went home from work early due to having contractions probably from the stress from the day before. Then that night my amazing husband set up a surprise party for me! Some family and friends met up at a local arcade to play mini golf. We got a late start so that's all we did. Pregnant lady is a party pooper. Side note; playing mini golf with a toddler presents it's own challenges. It was still a lot of fun! I forgot to take pictures but, my bestie brought the best cupcakes ever from a local bakery. I mean the best ever! Saturday I had to work in the morning and after work I raced home to get ready for a wedding. I forgot to take a picture of my outfit which I was super proud of, I did try to be a lady and wear heels. That was a bad idea! From all the sitting at the wedding my feet swelled and walking became painful.

After the wedding we hurried home to get changed for my work Christmas party. I did get a picture.

I think you can tell in the pic just how tired I was finally getting. Haha!

Sunday was church and then time to head out for a Christmas tree.

It was super muddy out as you can tell from Mackenzie's pictures but it was super fun. The farm we went to gave free hot cocoa and candy canes, and kids got to choose an ornament for free. So sweet! That night we had a meeting at the church. Which made for a long day. Left the house at 10 am and didn't make it home until 9 pm. I didn't mind though, it was a day spent with my family!

That was our weekend. Thank you for sticking with me while I took a small break. I plan on continuing blogmas, although I think I will take breaks on the weekends to focus on my family. I will announce the legging winner Christmas eve. I hope you are enjoying this holiday season.

Here was our advent activities for the past few days and the scriptures.

Day 4: Christmas craft
             Jeremiah 33:14-16

Day 5: Christmas movie
              Luke 1:5-10

Day 6: Journey through Bethlehem (we didn't make it)
              Luke 1: 11-17

Day 7: Get our tree
             Luke 1:18-25

Day 8: Lunch with daddy
             Luke 1:26-38

Day 9: Christmas craft
             Matthew 1:18-21

See you soon,

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