Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Whole 30 and me

To start off this will be a boring post without any pictures unless I give a weekend update. My uncle, his wife and 6 kids visited this weekend! It was so nice having them here!! They never come this way we always go to them, so a nice change of pace. Pretty much the only excitement we had was Saturday. My parents picked me up after work and we headed to Greenbluff (a mash of farms and pumpkin patches near here). We only had time for one farm that day. My uncle and his family went into a corn maze while Mackenzie and I played in the pumpkin patch. We also looked around a little with my mom, dad and aunt, and tried a pumpkin doughnut. Mondo and I plan on heading back in a couple of weeks for a family day there and to get some pumpkins!

Mackenzie loved LOVED the pumpkins! I knew she would, she always points them out. She especially loved the "yittle" pumpkins. It wasn't a large pumpkin patch just an area where they placed a bunch of pumpkins, so at one point I just sat down nearby and let Mackenzie run and climb all over. She was having fun, ran by me and I yelled; "Where are your shoes?". Luckily they were together nearby. She also sat down next to me in the midst of a bunch of pumpkins and said; "a punkin for kenzie and a punkin for baby sister." She has been doing that a lot lately, talking about baby sister and doing things for her. So, cute and sweet!

Mackenzie lined up all the "yittle punkins"

Ok, onto the title of the post whole 30. As you are reading this I am in the midst of Day 1 of my whole 30 diet. I decided to do this after my morning sickness with baby number 2 ceased and I was still eating like a pig, not healthy choices either. I had seen a blogger post on it and did some research. This fit all my needs it would help kick the sugar monster, I didn't need to count calories, and it would be safe for me and baby since I am just eating whole foods. I was going to start in September but, one of my friends strongly suggested I read the book first. So, I waited to check out the book at my library first before I started. That is how I came up with the Oct begin date. At, the dinner table I had been talking about what foods I could and couldn't eat, the testimonies in the book as well as online, and other stuff when my mom declared she thought the whole family should do it together. So, my mom, dad, grandma, husband, aunt and daughter are all participating in the Whole 30 together. I am super excited for doing this with Mackenzie, since the age of 1, she has had eczema on her knees and elbows. The Whole 30 has had success with ridding the eczema and finding the source of it, since it almost always deals with a food allergy. 

So, I am jumping in and am super excited, nervous, dreading, fearful, of the challenge of this diet. I will post updates every once in awhile as to my challenges and success along the way. After this month I plan on trying again in the first month of baby number 2 to see how it will effect my milk before returning to work. Most women report an increase in supply! This might be something I keep up at work to keep my milk supply up. I also plan on the challenge of this to reset my system and jump start me into making better food choices for myself and my family. I am not doing this to lose weight, that pretty much is impossible since I am growing a baby, but to create a healthy life style. 

Here is the website for Whole 30, you don't have to read the book to do it, but I highly recommend it. It helps explain why certain foods are being cut out, and how to healthy bring them back in while paying attention to what they do to your body. I also will post a few links to some recipe sights, I can't eat the same foods for 30 days in a row (blech), I am excited to try some of these.

If you are on instagram look up #whole30 for a lot more recipes and resources. 

1 comment:

  1. We survived day 1 of the Whole 30. WooHoo, success! Oh, wait....we still have 29 to go. Being out of town really makes food choices challenging, but we were able to do it pretty successfully.
