Friday, October 24, 2014

Fun Fall Activity for a Toddler

We went on a leaf hunt. Although, at the time there weren't many leaves on the ground, now there are a lot. Just waiting for the rain to clear up so we can make a big pile and jump in!! On our leaf hunt we collected leaves, Mackenzie loved this job! Once we collected them I scratched my head for what to do with them. Well, I brought them inside and washed them to save for another day!  I finally decided to make a leaf garland. It was super easy.

I took some plastic straws and cut them in about 1/2" sections.

I then taped those sections to the back of the leaves. I used scotch tape but, they have slowly started to fall down as they dried. So, I would recommend something stronger.

We then took kite string and laced them on. Lacing is a great activity for toddlers, perfect for hand- eye coordination. Mackenzie has some lacing cards and hasn't shown a lot of interest. Needless to say I ended up lacing.

Hang up and all done.

I love how it turned out, I plan on making another but, again I need to wait for the rain to go away.

Next fun fall activity for a rainy day. 
Super easy to make cloud dough. I have actually never used the baby oil we got at our baby shower for Mackenzie. I don't know what to use it for? Is that weird? So, I finally opened it and used it to make cloud dough. This is super easy just 4 cups flour and 1/2 cup plus 2 Tablespoons baby oil. I used a whisk to stir mine and even though it was clumpy as we played with it, it smoothed out.

To make this a fall activity I found fall cookie cutters to play with.

During play time I put it in a cookie sheet on the table above a wood floor. Warning this is messy, clean up is a breeze though. If you don't have an easy to sweep floor it might be nice to do it on a shower curtain (get a cheap one at the dollar store) or I am sure it will vacuum easily. Just expect a mess!!

Both these activities Mackenzie loved and it was nice to do something fun with out a lot of work! Next month I am starting our at home preschool, I will share my ideas with that. November is the color Yellow and the shape is a square. Do you have any activity ideas to share?

Talk to you next time.

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