Friday, October 31, 2014

Enjoy Today

Matthew 6:34New International Version (NIV)

34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

So, as the days drag on this time of year I started a countdown on my phone to encourage me to keep looking forward. On there I had anything and everything I could look forward to until baby number 2 comes. I told myself I was also using the countdown to remind me that time is running out and I need to get stuff down. Eventually the countdown started to consume me, I got so excited everyday to move the numbers down one. As I started to realize this the Holy Spirit pointed out that I was no longer enjoying that day, just rushing through it so I could mark it off as done. 

Realizing He was right (DUH!).  I started trying to slow down and enjoy the day for what it is, a day the Lord has created to rejoice and be glad in (Psalm 118:24). One of the best ways I decided to do that was to be thankful!

Everyday I want to find 3 things I am thankful for, one first thing in the morning, one in the afternoon, and one before bed.
This is inspired by the book 1,000 gifts by Anna Voskamp and the scripture 
1 Thessalonians 5:18.

There are always things to be thankful for what are you thankful for?

Now, I know that Halloween is here and this month of Thanksgiving is an easier time to accomplish this task, but this is something we should do everyday of the year! It is also great to do when things don't seem to be going your way. I hope you found this post an encouragement for you during the month of November to  give thanks for everything around us but, I hope you continue to do this through out the next year. If you are going through a difficult time I really encourage you to do this and maybe even journal it, it might seem difficult but, I do know it will help!

Have a Halloween and remember to Enjoy Today!

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