Sunday, September 28, 2014

Pregnancy Update and Updated Bracket

check out those tan lines!!!

How far along: 25 weeks ( I was a little off on the last update. This time I double checked and I am 25 weeks.)

Gender: Girl!! 

Weight gain: 30lbs! Wednesday starts Whole 30, I will blog more on why I am doing that later. 

Maternity clothes: Yes. I am on the hunt for holiday dresses!!

Stretch marks: I think the cream is working, or my belly is growing that I can't notice them as much anymore!! Haha!!

Belly button in or out: In (It never popped out last time, I don't think it will this time.)

Sleep: My energy has come back more but, I am working full time. So, it's not like I can get anything done. 

Best moment this week: Mackenzie telling me baby sister is in "Kenzie tummy"

Miss anything: Not really, I mean I have more aches and pains this time around. I guess I would answer a break but, I know that is coming!

Cravings: No 

Queasy or sick: No

Looking forward to: Halloween!!! I have been looking at decorating ideas with my mom and I am excited!!

Baby Name Update

Things are getting interesting in the Chamber's household. Mackenzie daily changes baby's name. Anna, Elsa (guess where those came from?), Casey (no clue). Here are mommy and daddy's name. Daddy does have a favorite, Mommy is still up in the air so we will see.

Myk: 61
Kim: 56
Dawn: 56
Wendy: 56
Amy: 54
Rhiannon: 51
Heather: 45
Nicole: 43
Marnie: 42
Joel: 40
Karm: 40
G.G.: 37
Justin: 34
Vanessa: 32
Lonny: 26

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