Thursday, September 4, 2014

Friday Favorite!

Here it is again!!! I hope you enjoy this as much as I do!!!

Maternity Fashion:

Hipster Maternity
I love everything about this, the glasses, the printed skirt, the belt. Love it all!!!

Toddler Fashion:

Fox pj's 

Mackenzie and I saw these when we were shopping for a "Sisters" shirt. We both freaked and although daddy said we had to wait to buy them, I can't get over how cute they are!! Pink, Foxes, Flowers AMAZING!! In fact while I was looking them up for the picture Mackenzie pointed and said; "Oh, Foxes. Kenzie foxes." Haha! Cracks me up!!

Time Killer:


I have always loved Sudoku, but this has taken it's place!! If you like Sudoku you should try Futoshiki!!

Fall time beverage:

I am not a big fan of Pumpkin drinks or Pumpkin Spice. Although I am happy for all you that love it that it is back!! My favorite drink is available year around and has no coffee, so perf for us pregos! I order it all the time this time of year!!

Favorite Blog:

Little Baby Garvin

Again, there are a bunch I want to feature. I plan on keeping this portion of Friday Favorites until I feature them all!! This is one I read almost instantly when she puts up a new post. She has helped give me confidence that I can tackle a world with 2 girls!!

Favorite Fall Scent:

Last year a friend got me this candle as a gift. Ever since I have been in love and eagerly waiting it's return. It has returned!! It took lots of energy to keep me from running to the store and buying all that they have. I plan on getting one this weekend!!

Favorite Quote:

With me working extra hours currently and bringing home bigger paychecks, this quote hits at home. Keep your eye on the prize and the spending in check!

See you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh the maternity and fox outfits are so cute!! Also, I am burning that exact candle right now in my house!! I love it!
