Sunday, September 14, 2014

First Round Name Cuts and a Pregnancy Update!

I finally did it! I hate it when a week gets away from you but, here are the first round cuts. Before I show you that here is a quick prego update.

I know I usually do black leggings but, I have been living in these ones.
Look for them in upcoming Friday favorites!!

How far along: 24 weeks

Gender: Girl!! I can't believe I get to say "Honey, do you have the girls?" I love the way it sounds HAHA!!

Weight gain: 23 lbs ugh! There goes that goal. I am starting the Whole 30 diet in October. Any tips?

Maternity clothes: Yes, because the jeans are way more comfy and I have to wear those to work. Other times I pretty much live in leggings and dresses. I am not wearing maternity tops on a regular basis. 

Stretch marks: I had them from Mackenzie so I probably won't notice new ones. Actually, I think I saw some new ones, freaked a little and went out and bought stretch cream. 

Belly button in or out: In

Sleep: All the time. I still need a daily nap although I am not as cranky if I miss it. I did find out my blood came back Anemic so I have been adding iron supplements and have noticed a little pick up in my energy.

Best moment this week: Mackenzie calling one of her babies "baby sister" and taking care of her. 

Miss anything: Not hurting so much after work. After 8 hours my feet and back hurt. I am definitely looking forward to going back to part time next week.
Movement: ALL THE TIME!! This little one likes to move and especially first thing in the morning. 

Cravings: Not really any more. 

Queasy or sick: Still no thankfully. 

Looking forward to: With Mackenzie I inundated her with foxes and she loves them. I picked a new animal for this one and plan on doing the same thing. So, I look forward to the hunt of all things FAWNS!!

Now the moment you have been waiting for.....
the first round name cuts. Surprisingly, some of the cuts were harder than expected. I also posted the points below the bracket. How did you do?

Amy - 39
Myk - 36
Wendy - 36
Kim - 36
Rhiannon - 36
Dawn - 36
Nicole - 33
Heather - 30
Karm - 30
Joel - 30
Vanessa - 27
Marnie - 27
G.G. - 27
Justin - 24
PL - 21

If you would like a copy of your bracket so you can follow along, send me your email and I can send it to you!!

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