Thursday, July 24, 2014

Baby Number 2: 16 weeks

First off I want to apologize for the bad photo. No more will I be taking selfies in the mirror. We moved in with my parents a couple of weeks ago, so from now on I plan on having my mom take the pictures. I just really wanted to get this post up and didn't want to wait for her to come home. After seeing the quality of the picture I have decided no more.

Also, this pic is a huge step for me to put up, I feel like I just look fat. No I am not fishing for compliments I am just baring my soul and being real. It bugs me that I look this big and I am only 16 weeks. Ok, rant and self pity over.

I will say the reason I know I feel gross is I still haven't been eating very good. So part of me wonders how big I would be if I did eat correctly. I am slowly getting back into working out (I plan on doing a post on my work outs in the near future), and have been working on getting my eating back on track. With that said here is my 16 week update.

How far along: 16 weeks
Gender: Don't know but we will find out Aug. 25th. Although, we are doing a reveal party so it might be a couple of weeks before I post the result.
Weight gain: 10 lbs. according to my last doctor appointment 3 weeks ago. I am currently at the weight I was when I got prego with Mackenzie.
Maternity clothes: Regular, although I am in my heavier set of clothing. Also, I am wearing nursing bras. They are so much more comfy.
Stretch marks: I had them from Mackenzie so I probably won't notice new ones. 
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: All the time. I still need a daily nap although I am not as cranky if I miss it.
Best moment this week: Watching Mackenzie take care of her babies. I think she might be grasping the concept as much as a 2 year old can. She points to my belly and says baby. When asked, she says she wants a baby sister.
Miss anything: Breathing! I can definitely feel all my organs have moved up.
The top half of my stomach is hard. I get winded walking with my friend, which I never did before, or singing Mackenzie bed time lulluabies. Ugh!
Movement: None, hopefully soon though. Aren't you supposed to feel it sooner with baby 2? I need it, I keep forgetting I am prego. HAHA!!
Cravings: For awhile it was baked potatoes with bacon and cheese and sour cream. That has mostly subsided. Every now and then I want a super good burger or steak. No super strong cravings though.
Queasy or sick: No, thankfully!!
Looking forward to: Planning the baby reveal party and helping plan the baby sprinkle. I helped my mom and sis-in-law last time. Then I emceed the whole thing. HAHA! I am excited to do a smaller, more intimate one this time since I don't need as much stuff.

Thanks everyone for reading!!

1 comment:

  1. You look great!! You'll notice a big difference when you stater eating more healthy. I wish my belly button was still in!!
