Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Our Crazy Schedule

Camera is still hiding and house is still half packed/ half disarray. So, here is another blog with pictures from my phone. I really hope I find those pictures soon, they were super cute.

Our crazy schedule, when we have a schedule. Or maybe this is just a made up schedule in my head and we really don't have a schedule. Well here it is, with pictures!!

7ish wake up!

I wish I could say I am a super organized amazing mom that wakes up before her child and exercises, get's in the word and makes an amazing breakfast for her family. Unfortunately, Mackenzie is usually my alarm clock and she doesn't come with a snooze button.

8 breakfast

Sometimes most times daddy goes upstairs with Max and makes her breakfast. While I get ready for the day and pick out baby's outfit.

8:30 gym

Hopefully Mackenzie will stay in the daycare long enough for me to work out.

9 am

This is where the schedule become a disarray (apparently my new word for this post). Either G.G. shows up so I can go to work, we meet up with a friend for a walk, run errands, or stay home and do "school" or stay home and watch t.v.

This day we went to the library. LOVED IT!

11:30 - 12


While Max naps I either, nap, catch up on dvr, blog, clean or avon related stuff.


Wake up time. Also, time for me to get ready for work on the days I close.


Make dinner! Hopefully daddy is home so I don't have to cook and I just play with baby.


Eat! I like that we all get to eat as a family. Too many times it's done in front of the t.v. Hopefully soon we will have the house more organized and be able to eat at the table. As of now it looks like a grenade exploded on top of it.


Most nights this is the time I have to go to work. If not it's family time or grocery shopping time.


Bed time routine is started. We only give Max a bath 2 to 3 times a week.
Bed time routine includes, snack, lotion, baby oil, teeth brushed, fluoride drop.


Books, bible story, bed

Once baby is asleep we relax watching dvr'd shows. Or if I was at work I usually get home around 10.


Bed time
Face washing and teeth brushing.

Only to do it all over on repeat the next day.
Except Saturday's and Sunday's. I work most saturday's so Max is with Dad and we all know dad's don't have schedules. Sunday's have lots of variables. 

Until next time here is Max pretending to sleep.

<3 Dorinda

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