Monday, October 7, 2013

Baby/ Mommy favorites 16 months

We moved the last weekend of September and with the craziness of trying to unpack and get adjusted I haven't had much time to post. So, I am glad things have finally slowed enough that I can post. Only problem I can't find my camera that had pictures for a new post. So, I decided to do a mommy/baby favorite since I haven't done one in awhile. 

I can't believe little miss is 16 months!! In fact on the 30th somebody asked me how old she was, and I gave my normal answer, "15 months" I then paused realizing wait, no I have a 16 month old baby!! It's kinda hard to post like I used to since not a lot of items are her favorites. So, I decided to change it up and make a list.

1. Animal sounds! Mackenzie know owls, monkeys, cows, sheep, dog, and lion. It is so fun asking her what an animal says and having her say them. The only one that doesn't change a kitty says; "kitty". 

2. Bringing mommy and daddy food. Our lower cabinets have become our "pantry" in our tiny kitchen. We haven't baby proofed yet. So, Mackenzie brings us food from the "pantry" and signs eat, pretty much all day. Annoying yes, but mostly cute. We also gave her a drawer with her dishes, trying to work with her on setting her own table. Kinda cute!

3. Pinterest Group! I look forward to Sunday nights when I get together with a group of girls and get my craftiness on! It has been a blast. Mackenzie usually comes with me, I think she likes it too. I made these cute mugs during my group.

4. Gymnastics! Max goes to gymnastics once a week. She gets to tumble, walk on a balance beam, jump on a trampoline, hang on bars, and jump in a foam pit. Afterwards, she takes a great nap. Too bad mommy is also tired and doesn't get much accomplished. It has really helped with her motor skills and listening/ attention.

5. Talking on the telephone. WORLD'S CUTEST THING!! She loves to talk on the phone. So, we call Gramma, Aunt Amy, and Daddy. She will talk for about 5 minutes telling them who knows what. Sooooo cute!

6. Leggings and baggy tee's. Lately I have been obsessed and pretty much that is all Mackenzie and I wear. So comfortable and cute. 

7. Fall decorations. I finally got to put up my fall decorations and I am in love!! I even reused some of Mackenzie's birthday decorations. A friends gave me a "Leaves" scented candle, I'm not sure where from, mixed with the spooky symphonies pandora station makes for a great craft time!! Next week at our pinterest group we are making wreathes. Mine will be falltacular!!

8. Pumpkin Pie Almonds, Spiced Caramel Apple Cider, Pretzel Rolls. All my favorite food right now. All not so healthy for me but I am still loving them just trying to keep them in moderation.

9. Family pictures. We are taking family pics next weekend. Colors are red, gray, black, white. I have about 30 outfits picked for Max, only to realize me and hubby have hardly any red. Time to go shopping!!

Those are our current faves. Although I am pretty sure I could have added a lot more. Here is a picture of my fall cutie to keep you until next week.

Falling in Love with Fall,

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