Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Are Leggings Pants?

Do I need to say, "let's get real" again? The simple answer is NO. And then I see ladies wearing them like pants all the time. I really am tempted to create a site called "The Walmart Look" and take pictures of people wearing leggings as pants, then post them. You know the jokes and pictures of people in Walmart, not that Walmart is a bad store. I know that when people dress this badly its for a couple of reasons; 1) they don't know that they really look that bad, 2) they have no self-esteem, 3) they have given up on life. Number 1 can be fixed easily enough. Get a friend to take a picture of you and show you what, "leggings like pants," looks like. Or get a friend to be brutally honest with you. Numbers 2 and 3 will take more work, mostly on the inside. You need to understand how wonderful and valuable you are.
But you don't understand my situation, you say. That's true, I don't, however now is not the time to give up. Every time you get up in the morning be thankful. Be thankful that you were able to get up. As you go about your day find the littlest, tiniest thing to be thankful about. I know, its hard, but you must do it. Next look in the mirror and no matter how hard it is, or how bad things are, or how hopeless things seem, tell yourself you are wonderful. Tell yourself you are beautiful. Say this to yourself everyday no matter what is going on in your life. Then tell yourself that you are worth all the good that there is. Enough about that, back to fashion.
Leggings are that, leggings. They cover the legs. Look at them as footless tights. Wear a top that at least covers the crotch. For me that's easy. I find a lot of mini dresses that I wear as tops, because on me they are way shorter than a mini dress, they are a tunic top. I happen to be rather tall, by the way. I will admit, when its been a hard, long day, I will come home, put on a pair of comfy leggings and a big sloppy sweatshirt and hang out at the house. But I will not....let me underline that....WILL NOT wear them as pants outside the house....unless I wore them as pjs and am running outside to grab the newspaper. Life is too short to dress ugly. Be the best you can be every day. Oh and thanks to Clinton Kelly for the idea of addressing the leggings issue.
I am your dress classy mom,

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