Thursday, September 19, 2013

Fair of Fun!

Our county fair is going on currently and we decided it would be fun to take Mackenzie. We took her last year but, she was too little to really care.
This year was a different story.

She didn't love the horsey ride. This girl is not a thrill seeker! She doesn't like carousels, swings, and now horse rides.

After this we went to the  petting zoo. That is where she lit up!

The goats were her favorite, I think mainly because they were the most interactive.

I had been working with her on animal sounds. So while there I showed her a cow and said moo, She said moo every time we saw a cow. I showed her a sheep and said baa. Every time she saw sheep and goats (goats were a lot) she said baa. It was beyond cute.

We attempted a mommy baby pic. She wasn't having it!

2 seconds outside of the gate to head home, this happened.

I think it's safe to say she had a lot of fun!!

My outfit was what I call fashion on the go. I will post more on that later, but I had gone on a walk with a friend and from there to the fair. Knowing there would be pictures taken, I couldn't stay in my workout gear.

Baa, baa, bye,

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