Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Diet? Let's get real

Last time I wrote, I discussed exercise. How exercise is important, especially if you want to lose weight, and how to begin with a little at a time. Today I want to discuss eating. Eww, yuck, dieting is sooo boring. Yes, it is. That's why you never want to diet to lose weight. It doesn't last. Actually what you want to do is habit change. That is a lot easier to do and lasts longer. First of all, never jump into any lifestyle change whole hog. It will become overwhelming and after 4 or 5 days you will run out of steam and give up. Its better to begin a little at a time. Old adage, "baby steps." Step 1: portion size. How much are you actually eating? What are you eating? Most of us crave the breads, pasta, things like that. Proportionally that should be your smallest helping. Protein should be the size of a deck of cards, so 16 oz steaks are not your friend. The biggest serving should be veggies. 1-2 cups per meal. Mac n' cheese? 1 cup. Add 1 cup peas with it and you have a fab meal. I admit not the best in being healthy but a lot better than mac n' cheese alone.
Step 2: up the veggies. Ugh, you say, I don't care for veggies. Learn! They are what keep your system clean and running smooth. They have tons of vitamins and minerals. There are plenty of ways to eat veggies. Begin with sauteing them in butter. I know, I know, butter is fat. However, you don't have to bury them in butter. 1 tsp is all you need and a touch of garlic powder. It at least gets you started in eating veggies. Another way is to roast them in the oven. Cut or slice; beets, zucchini, carrots, into a bowl, drizzle olive oil and toss to coat. Bake at 350, turning occasionally until browned. You will be amazed at the flavor.
Step 3: new recipes. Try new things. Look up recipes that have a variety of flavors and are healthy. Diets do not have to consist of rice cakes and tofu...unless you like that kind of thing. When I was a lot younger and had a faster metabolism, I would scarf chips, cakes, cookies and things like that. Especially since I knew I shouldn't eat them. But as I've grown smarter, I've found I like eating healthy, I like the energy I have when I do, and when it comes to those gooey sweet things I used to love, they make me gag. I am totally satisfied just having a small bite of a dessert instead of the whole thing.
It now takes me a couple of hours every two weeks to create a menu. I love doing research, looking up recipes, finding ways to cook things I already have in the freezer, finding new ways to cook old favorites and sneaking veggies into everything. The other day we had sloppy joes. I added celery, onions, green pepper, tomatoes, to the sauce. It was eaten up, no leftovers. I didn't begin doing menus for two hours. I began a little at a time and over the years have been able to develop a habit. And we don't always eat super healthy, (like this last labor day weekend, gag fest) but instead of dwelling on what a failure this weekend was, I am back on track and veggie city here we come. Eating healthy is what enables me to keep up with granddaughter, go shopping, go on walks, garden, take care of a house, and have a full time job. So here's to a healthy body. Exercise and eat right. That should be everyone's motto.
Happy eating!

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