Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Who doesn't love being healthy? We all do...at least we should love being healthy. I work hard on being healthy. I like having energy to do things, get things accomplished and just have fun. Last weekend, beginning on Thursday, was a busy, busy time. By Sunday I was tired, but I did get to do all the fun things I wanted to do the entire weekend, without slowing down. Thursday night I went to a football game, Friday night it was baseball, Saturday it was walking all over Coeur D'Alene at the street fair and Art On The Green, then Sunday lunch out with family. Busy, busy, busy. How did I keep up the energy? Proper food and exercise. "Oh rats," you say. I know you were hoping there was a miracle drink or something. Sorry, it's just old fashioned exercise and eating properly.
How do you fit it all in? If you have the answer to that please let me know. I just know that it is very important to me to stay healthy because I have so many people depending on me. So I squeeze in exercise whenever and where ever I can. I also look for help on the net. One I follow is Daily Fit Tips @ Fitnessmagazine.com. I use Pinterest a bunch!!! I have found several short, really short exercises I can do at the office or while I'm at home cooking dinner.
Another thing I do is park the car far away from the store so that I have to walk a ways. My husband and I go for walks in the evening after it cools off. When we bought our house, my mother wanted us to install the laundry room on the main floor for easier access. I said sorry but it's staying in the basement to force us to use the stairs. Laundry day is a day of cardio. Upstairs to get the laundry, downstairs to do the laundry, back to the main floor to fold, then upstairs to put it away. Lots of up and down.
Exercise not only helps you stay in shape, it helps health wise too. It helps relieve the pain of arthritis, although while you are exercising you may not think so. It helps relieve fibro symptoms. It carries the "feel good" drug that you already have in your body, endorphins, all over to relieve pain and help the mood. It is a wonderful stress reducer. Having too much stress actually causes you to gain weight, which isn't good.
Another time I will write about eating right. But right now, begin small, get out of your seat....hey wait, that's one really good exercise you can do right now, get out of your seat and sit down again. Do it over and over 10-15 times. Don't you feel better already? Looking forward to a life of health.

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