Saturday, July 13, 2013

Weight Loss Journey

I titled this Weight Loss Journey but it truly isn't about weight loss, for me it's about being healthy and setting a good example for Mackenzie.

Now, I have never been a super thin girl, I have always had a tummy, and also never been healthy. So my goal isn't super model thin but healthy. Before I got pregnant with Mackenzie my mom and I got a gym membership and personal trainer together. I LOVED it!! Throughout my pregnancy I stayed super active even had worked out the day before I went into labor. I never slacked or went easy because I was pregnant I pushed harder knowing it would be better for me after. Once I had Mackenzie it was hard to figure out a schedule where I could workout. Slowly the weight kept creeping up. Even after I was able to get in the gym and figure out a schedule I didn't push myself the way I should have. I gained 50 lbs while pregnant, and 2 months after Mackenzie was born I was back to my pre baby weight. When I stepped on the scale 3 weeks ago, I found out I had gained back 35 of those pounds. At least while pregnant I had the excuse of a baby in there, this time nothing. So, I started on my journey.

I set an ambitious goal but not impossible 45 lbs by Christmas. Equally 1.5 lbs a week. This goal puts me 10 lbs less than pre pregnancy weight, and at the top weight for my BMI. To me the lbs. are not the important part, the important part is knowing I am healthy! So, I downloaded a calorie counting app to help control my food intake, kicked up the cardio at the gym, and started P90X.

Week 1; I just portion controlled, didn't even worry about what I was eating and pushed treadmill from a 3.5 to 4.0. I forgot to take my measurements but, weight wise down 5 lbs. AWESOME!! 

Week 2; Portion control, cut out "treats" to every other day (yes, I used to have them multiple times a day), started P90X without weights. Down 2.5 lbs and down 1 inch. I didn't take measurements everywhere like our trainer used to, just in the areas that I want to see change.

Week 3; Portion control, treats kinda came back in more that wanted due to holiday weekend, but I still kept them in check. Added hill intervals to treadmill and again P90X no weight. NO weight loss (insert sad face here) but, I lost 1/2 inch everywhere! So I just need to focus on the good!! Hopefully, I will do better next week.

Why am I sharing this with you?  I figured you guys would be a great accountability partner and encouragement. I, in return wanted to show you it is possible to make changes to improve your health.

My big goal is 45 lbs by Christmas, but I broke it into smaller goals along the way. First one was 7 lbs by July 12th (I DID IT!!!), Next is 12 lbs by labor day (8 weeks away). I will check in then with my progress. 

On my way to better health,

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