Monday, July 22, 2013

A Book Review: The White Queen

To say, I loved this book would be an understatement. I probably would read it again and again and again but, I loaned it someone and they never returned it (tear). I think I am finally accepting the loss and moving on.

The White Queen was written by Philippa Gregory, the same author who brought us The Other Boleyn Girl (sadly I never read this one). This book is set in England during Edward IV's reign. It is about Elizabeth Woodville of the house of Lancaster who marries Edward IV after she is widowed. She is the mother of the two princes of the tower, who went missing and to this day no one knows what happened to them. This book is historical fiction and one of my favorite parts is the very end where she explains which parts are true and what parts she expanded on but, also how she came to the conclusions that she did.

The White Queen contains love, betrayal, murder, war, and even a little bit of witchcraft, which I was not a big fan. Witchcraft is seen throughout small portions of the book. This is how she finds Edward, how the war is won, how she determines if she is having a boy or girl. The other downfall is the "love" portions. They can get a little graphic. Saying things like "I felt his weight against me."  Again, these are smaller portions of the book. I love how Elizabeth is a family women, always protecting her family and kids. Also, how she takes matters into her own hands propelling her family into victory and ultimately saving herself, and securing a great future for her daughter.

I could not put this book down. I quickly purchased The Red Queen because I really like The White Queen. This book is about Margaret Beaufort of the House of York (the opposite side same time period). After that I quickly got the book The Lady Rivers, all about Elizabeth's mother. Now, the White Princess is soon to be released which is about Elizabeth's daughter. All super interesting stories!! Another thing I am excited for is the mini-series called the White Queen on Starz, which I may have to order so I can watch it.

I loved this book! Have you ever read one of Phillipa Gregory books? Do you have any book recommendations?

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